Chapter 32

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(22 weeks pregnant)

I haven't seen Kyle since our gender reveal party, two weeks ago. No calls, texts, nothing. His parents have given up on him because he'll just do it again. No one knows what his problem is, and with him barely being here this whole pregnancy, I don't want to stay her and be hurt like this.

My final resort is going to James. I'd go to Audrey's, but she gets kicked out left and right.

I walked downstairs and Kyle's mom and Gary sat watching tv.

"I hope I'm not interrupting" I sat down on one of the chairs in the corner.

"No. What's up?" Gary asked.

I started to cry. They have been so helpful this entire time and so support that it hurts to break this news.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" Kyle's mom stood and walked over and kneeled in front of me taking my hands into hers.

"It's Kyle, he's never here, and I don't think I should be. I'm... I'm... moving out. It pains me to say, but I can't live with pain of being in his home when he's not" I cried out.

Kyle's mom wrapped me in a hug, "but where will go?"

"I have an idea, but I need to talk to him first" I wiped my face.


I showed up to James's front door. I gave a small knock and quietly waited for an answer. After a minute or two there was nothing, so I knocked louder. He finally answered the door, but then tried to close it. I put my hand up to stop it.

"Hear me out. Please" I begged him, my hand still holding the door open.

He opened to door wide and turned, no longer facing me. He started to walk to the dining room, and pulled out two chairs. I entered his house and closed the door following behind. He sat in one chair, while sat in other.

I could tell he was trying not to look and my stomach but he took short glances here and there. Admiring it? Judging it? I was unsure of any of his feelings.

"So..." I trailed off. "I uh... no longer have a place to stay and I was wondering if you would let me stay here. Until I get on my own feet"

"You're coming back? After all the shit we've been through, you want to crawl back? What the fuck do you think this is?" He sternly said. He didn't yell, but I could hear the anger in his voice.

"I just thought that...I don't know" I looked down into my lap and tears started to roll down my cheeks. "It's hard ok? Every day I am judged, and Kyle is NEVER around. My dad hates me. I have nothing but my baby right now"

"You know what?" He said so loud that I flinched, "you sorta gave me a second chance. That's what I'm gonna give you under one condition"

"Anything" I nodded.

"You have to make sure I don't wild out. Straighten me out. I've gone off course again, drinking, smoking. Make sure I don't do that, can you do that?"

That's all he wanted? It seemed simple enough so I agreed. I have somewhere to stay now.

"I can move in this weekend, we can straighten up today" I suggested.

"No. I want to hear about the baby. How far along are you?"

"22 weeks" I reached into my purse and grabbed the pictures. Specifically the ones that said it was a boy.

He grabbed them and studied them hard. Flipping through, back and forth. I small smile cuts across his lips, "it's a boy?"

He looked up to me and smiled and nodded my head. He continued to smile and got out of his seat a gave me a hug. I hugged him back, missing his embrace.

"I should go get my things. I figured you'd say yes, so I already got a  moving truck" I grabbed my stuff to head back.

"Ok, I'll see you later" he smiled.


A/N: yay new chapter! Hopefully you like it. What do you think of Vienna's choice? Don't forget to vote and comment.

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