Chapter 25

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One week later...

Today is the day Kyle and I are telling everyone, but not all together. We don't want to cause any conflicts, which there probably will be. First we are telling Kyle's mom.

We decided on taking her to breakfast to a rather quite place in town. Not many people go there on a Wednesday morning. Kyle said that she'll hopefully take it well. Im not so sure. I've never met her before and here I am telling her I'm pregnant with her sons baby.

Kyle arrived at my house around 8 in the morning with his mother in the passenger seat. It's a good thing most of my morning sickness has worn off. I climbed into the backseat and someone else was there.

"Gary, nice to meet you. I'm Kyle's stepdad" he stuck his hand out for me to take.

"Hello, I'm Vienna" I returned his gesture.

"And I'm Carol, Kyle's mom" she turned in her seat.

"Nice to meet you" I replied back.

The ride was about 20 minutes and we finally got to breakfast. We got our table and ordered. I'm getting pancakes, bacon and a muffin.

Our food arrives and that's when the smell triggers me. I started to gag and Kyle subtly rubbed my back. His mom and Gary sat across from us.

I looked at him and mouthed thank you. I slowly ate. It was a struggle every mouthful, because every time I opened my mouth it felt like I was going to puke.

After we ate, Kyle asked for the check and paid. That is the telling signal. We made his mom a cute little gift to announce our young one. It was a picture of Nugget in a frame that said "I love Grandma". Now I feel bad because Gary is here.

"Mrs. Jags, here's a little something for you" I handed her the wrapped frame.

"Call me Carol" she laughed. "You didn't have to get me anything"

She started opening it. When she ripped part of the paper it made part of it visible and she quickly unwrapped the rest. She was quiet when she looked at it.

"I love grandma? What's that mea... oh my goodness" she cracked into a smile. "Congratulations!" She said through her smile.

I looked over at Kyle who had taken a video this whole time. I took a glance at Gary who had teared up a bit. Were they both happy for us?

"I'm gonna be a grandma!" She proudly announced.

"I'm sorry we didn't get you something" I looked at Gary.

"No harsh feelings, it's ok" he gave me a genuine look.

After all the excitement we had one of the waitresses take our picture all together.


After we dropped Kyle's mom and stepdad off it was time to tell my parents. I didn't get them anything because I'm sure they will not take it well.

Kyle and I entered the house, and my mom was sitting on the couch reading a book, before she left for work. My dad had off today, which is one reason why we chose today.

"Good morning Kyle" my mother greeted him with a hug.

My dad emerged from the kitchen with a steaming cup coffee, "ah, Kyle", He still doesn't like Kyle and I don't know why.

"So um, I have to tell you guys something" I hesitantly said sitting on the couch.

"Are you 2 officially dating?" my mom asked.

I looked at Kyle, we weren't dating and we didn't plan to, to save face with James.

"Something like that?" I shrugged my shoulders.

I looked over at my dad who's attention was fixed on Kyle. A death glare almost.

"Well I um....I'm pregnant, and it's Kyle's" I put my head down in embarrassment.

"Get out of this house now" my dad stood up. I thought he was talking to Kyle, but he was looking at me.

Unsure I pointed at myself, "me?".

"Yes you, and him. Get out of my damn house now" his teeth were clenched. My mother stood up trying to back him off. She hasn't said a word this whole time.

I quickly got up, grabbed my purse and Kyle's hand and dragged him out before my dad could see me cry. I will not let him see me break under his pressure.

"I can't believe this" I cried out in the passenger seat of Kyle's  car.

He wrapped me in a hug, "we'll get through it. Don't worry"

"Can you just fucking drive" I snapped.

He was quiet and turned the engine on, as he drove off I saw my mom in the door way crying. Why didn't she stand up for me? I could tell she wanted to.

I had hope, and now it's all crumpled. I have one person left to tell and that's James.

A/N- I DID NOT INTEND FOR THIS UPDATE TO BE SOOO LATE. I'm sorry. But this is split into 2 chapters, the first part is telling the parents and the second is telling James. And that chapter will be on time, I swear. It'll probably be short just a heads up. Don't forget to vote and comment!!!

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