Chapter 11

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Back to Vienna's POV

I still don't know if I should go to prom with Kyle. I mean yeah we got smoothie and talked for a while. But I feel like I don't know him well enough. Also James and I are trying to mend our relationship back together after 3 years.

Kyle really was a sweetheart though. Plus James might not be allowed at prom because of the incident. Why does this decision have to be so damn hard?

James hasn't brought anything up. Nor has he texted me, since I've visited him. I know he wants me back, and I want him back to, but I can't be the only making effort.


I was cleaning my room when my phone went off. I got up to check, I had a text from Kyle.

K: Hey Vienna! I just want to say I had a lot of fun on our date.

Was it really a date? I mean it felt like it was.

V: Me too. Wanna hang soon?

K: Sure! I'll pick you up for school tomorrow.

Monday will be my first day back in a week. It'll be weird showing up with Kyle and not Ty.


Monday morning my alarm went off at 6:30. I took a shower, did my hair and makeup, ate breakfast and by that time it was 7:45 and Kyle should be any minute.

A few short minutes later Kyle finally arrived to my house and I got into his car. He drove a really nice Range Rover. All black with black leather interior. Made me wonder where he got it.

The car was filled with bass and rap lyrics as he drove us into the parking lot. If I'm not mistaking after the whole incident with James this is Kyle's second official day. He's been out as long as I have.


We walked into school together and I started heading towards my locker when I noticed Kyle was still trailing behind me.

"Don't you have to go to your locker?" I asked him.

"I figured we would walk to History together seems how we are both in that class" he shrugged.

"So I'm guessing you want me to come to your locker too?" I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrow.

"That would be great" he acknowledged.

After my locker we headed towards his, which was on the other side of the building. He grabbed his stuff and we headed to class.

While we were walking Kyle's hand gently brushed mine. I moved it quickly away. Then he did it again, this time actually grabbing my hand. I shook it free again.

"Kyle, we can't hold hands" I told him.

"And why not?" He asked.

"Because everyone thinks me and James are still together" I gritted my teeth.

"Well are you?" He's trying to insert words into my mouth I feel it.

" don't's complicated" I stuttered covering my eyes.

"Well let me know what you want and soon" Kyle said walking into the room.

A/N- so this is just a filler chapter but I've finally updated!!! It's a little short but... its here!! Don't forget to comment and vote!

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