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When I woke this morning, I felt WAY better than yesterday. I still felt tired and weak, but I could tell I was probably done being sick. All that resting and dozing yesterday was good for me. And Harry was good for me. And good to me. Yesterday was nice. Being sick and all! If that was what being sick was like with Harry around, I could be sick all the time and wouldn't care at all.

I loved it when he cuddled next to me and napped with me. I didn't really sleep much in that particular nap though, because I was distracted by having Harry right there, so close to me. And he looked so cute sleeping. He almost had like a smile on his face the whole time. It was sooo adorable. He didn't know it, but I kept opening my eyes and staring at him. Watching him sleep. I couldn't help it. He must have been tired, because I was playing with his hands too, and he didn't move. He sure had a lot of work to do on his phone earlier. Being a famous rock star must be hard.

I still can't believe he's Harry Styles. I'm so used to him as just....Harry. It's like he's a new person now, in my head. But I know he's not. And I don't want him to be a new person. I almost don't want him to be Harry Styles. I just want him to be the same Harry I always knew. I have to work on that in my head a little, to get it to fit right. I just can't stop thinking about how his music made me feel so much better when he was gone. How his voice was so familiar, and I didn't even realize it was him.

I decided to play on my phone and use that Google that Harry was using to find pictures and videos of himself for me. So I did that for a while. I read numerous articles about him, and watched lots of videos of him on stage. Yep. That was definitely the Harry I knew. My God, he was soooooo talented.

I was so proud of him. But I just couldn't figure out WHY he'd hang around ME. So as usual, I decided to keep taking it day by day and enjoy it while I could.

Speaking of days, where WAS Harry, anyway? Shouldn't he be here by now? He's ALWAYS here by now. It was 11:30. I hadn't noticed how much time went by, watching videos and reading stuff. No wonder everyone is always using their phones everywhere in town. It takes up a lot of time, and it's fun.

I decided to see if there was still any breakfast left over in the cafeteria. Lucky for me, Martin the cook said, there was just enough to make me a plate. He was a nice man. Always trying to make me a plate when I was late. I was starving. I ate it all fast. I was still feeling shaky on my feet, so I decided to go around the long way back to my room to get a little exercise in.

As I went down the hall on the other side of the building, I walked past a small empty conference room, and something caught my eye, and I stopped, and backed up to see in the doorway again.

There, sitting at a table with Bonnie, and the home's director, my doctor, and two other important looking people, was Harry.

What was he doing in there at their meeting???

I stood there for a few seconds and listened.

"I would be glad to help her. I just don't want to be 'in charge' of her. That's not what I want for our relationship. I don't think she'd like that, either. I feel like it would change things between us. I want to be in her life because I WANT to be. And because SHE wants me to be, and nothing more. I don't want to evaluate her, or write reports about her or anything of that sort. I want her to be equal to me, as we are now. That's all I ask. But of course, I would be there for her when she needs help. But only if she asks me, or says yes when I offer help. Not because it's my job to. That's not equal." Harry hesitated and sighed. "I want her to be on her own as much as she does. And I know it would be quicker if I signed those papers putting her in my "custody". But I just can't do it. I'm willing to have it take longer, rather than ruin what we have, by suddenly becoming the boss of her. No thank you. Sorry." And he leaned back in his chair, with his head down looking a little upset. Bonnie looked over at him and put her hand on his knee and gave it a supportive tap tap tap, and a smile. He looked up at her and gave a quick, small smile back, and then put his head back down.

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