Chapter 1.

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"Hey hey hey." Taylor, one of my closest friends since childhood, greets as she knocks on my bedroom door.

"How the hell did you even get in here?" I ask, sitting up slightly, careful to not disturb the books spread across my bed.

"Your mother let me in." She grins widely and comes over to my bed to move one of my books so she can sit down.

"Of course she did." I mumble, sitting up fully and packing my books up neatly so she can sit more comfortably. "So what do you want? I'm done doing the foreign language assignments for you now."

"Relax." She waves me off. "This is not about any work. This is about you coming out with me tonight."

"Tonight?" I ask, picking my phone up to check the date.

"Yeah tonight." She grabs my phone out of my hand. "No more you being in the house, no more of these damn books and no more of you looking like something the car dragged in." She ruffles my hair.

"Gee thanks." I mumble as I flatten it. "And I have a presentation due soon, so I don't think that I can make it."

"Bitch, excuse me." She pulls me off the bed by my arm. "You're coming with me tonight. And that's that."

"And what if I don't want to?" I challenge, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Then I'll tell your mother." She smirks.

"You wouldn't."

"Oh really?" She challenges me and then opens her mouth to scream at the top of her lungs. "Mama Y/L/N!"

I'm sure my mother was expecting this because I can hear the smile in her voice when she replies. "What child?"

"Y/N doesn't wanna go out to the festival with me tonight." Tay replies.

Festival? Right. Opening of the season.

"Y/N." My mother's voice sounds in a warning tone. "You'd better leave all those books and go out with your friend tonight. I'm sick and tired of you being under my nose the whole time."

"But Mommy - "


"Fine. Im going Mama." I roll my eyes and slump my shoulders as I walk to the shower.

Taylor smiles a triumphant smile and I just raise my hand and give her my middle finger.

If I'm ill prepared for this presentation, I swear my parents are going to support me for the rest of my life.

After I take a relaxing shower, I leave the bathroom to find Taylor, laying out some clothing on the bed.

"Your ass just couldnt wait. Could it?" I ask, eyeing her taking some jewellery out of the box.

"Its for your own good." She shrugs. "Nobody has seen you outside in forever. Plus, it's been a while since you've had a man on your arm."

"Fuck men." I mumble. "All they do is lie."

She chuckles as she shakes her head and goes towards the shoe department in my closet. "You're just saying that because you have boys lining up to date you."

I roll my eyes and start lotioning myself up, before noticing what she actually chose for me.

"That shit makes my boobs hang out way too much." I comment on the black jumpsuit.

"Yeah?" Taylor asks, looking at it too. "Maybe I want your boobs to hang out."

I raised an eyebrow.

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