Chapter 7.

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"Hey main bitch." Taylor greets me as she enters the room.

"Psh. I know I'm nothing but a side chick when it comes to you." I reply, sitting up in my bed.

"Aw. No." She chuckles. "You're more than that."

"Nope." I disagree. "I'm the starter and someone else is the main course. I'm the Walmart and someone else is the Chanel. Matter of fact, I'm the deodorant and someone else is the lotion. I'm the - "

"Okay okay." Taylor stops me. "Youre my side chick. I admit it."

"Ouch." I feign offense. "Now what are you doing here?"

"Melissa's trigger happy ass dragged me over here." She rolls her eyes. "Shes actually still downstairs with your mother."

"And why is she here?" I ask, yawning a bit.

"I don't know. She's obsessed with your ass." Taylor rolls her eyes. "This is what you get for feeling sorry for those who don't have friends."

"Cant you be nice for once?" I ask, swinging my legs over the bed.

"Yeah I can. And apparently you're too nice. Because she has a crush on you. And you're too oblivious to see that."

"No she doesn't." I laugh.

"Yeah she does." Taylor replies and then checks her phone. "I have to go. But I'll be back to pick her up."

With that, she darts out of the room and in a span of less than five minutes, Mel enters.

"Hey." She smiles. "Did you just wake up?" She asks, referring to my position.

"I've been awake for a while." I tell her. "But I've just been laying in bed all day. It just feels right."

She giggles and comes down to sit on the bed next to me. "I hope you don't mind me coming so unexpectedly." She says with a worried look.

"I don't." I reply honestly. "But it makes me wonder. What's going on up here?" I ask, flicking her on her forehead.

She laughs. "Ouch."

After getting her fit of giggles under control, she speaks up. "I just wanted to come by and pick your brain about something."

"Okay? I'm listening?"

"Do you mind if we talk on the roof?" She asks, biting her lip. "I like to be in open spaces."

"No problem." I nod, seeing as the roof is my go to too.

She smiles and then sprints down the hallway.

I notice the absence of DKNY as I enter the living room. "Is Mom gone?" I ask the shorter girl.

"I think so." She replies as she scrunches up her nose. "She did mention that she was going somewhere."

"Okay." I nod and follow her up to my safe and happy place.

Once she's up, she extends her arm to help me up. I take it thankfully and make myself comfortable up on the roof.

"So?" I question. "Mama's listening."

She smiles a bit. "I need your advice."


"Relationships." She says as she gives me a shy smile.

"Oh yeah." I snort. "Good luck with that. Because you're asking the wrong person sweety."

"Y/N." She whines.

"Okay. Okay." I sigh. "Lay it on me."

"So there's this girl - "

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