Chapter 17.

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"So Y/N your dad - Hey Dinah!" My mother exclaims.

I roll my eyes and prepare myself for the irrelevant conversation up ahead.

"So, you two came from the game, so early?" My mother asks as she leans against the door frame.

"Some body got injured." Dinah explains and my mother just continues smiling at her.

"Are you okay?" I ask my mother, eyeing her weirdly, because she's still smiling.

"I'm fine." She keeps her eyes on Dinah.

"Then can you stop being weird?" I ask, walking towards her.

She just smirks at me. "I got off the phone with your father." She says catching my attention.

"He couldn't call me?" I ask, getting defensive.

"Oh, he'll call you. But later." She assures me. "He says you should come up next week."

"Next week?" I ask, a bit shocked.

"Why?" She asks. "Are you busy?"
"No but I'd like a two week notice." I roll my eyes.

"Just... talk to him later." She sighs. "I actually came up here to tell you that I'm going out tonight." She jabs a thumb towards the door.

"Where you off to?" I ask, walking back into the room where Dinah is sitting on my bed, texting.

"What are you?" My mother asks with a smirk. "My mother?"

"You know what? Whatever." I sigh. "Have fun Mommy."

"Okay." She comes closer and kisses me on my forehead. "Dont burn the house down - "

"Like last time." I roll my eyes, finishing her sentence. "I won't. Now go enjoy whatever you have going on."

"Okay." She smiles. "Tell your Mom I said hi." She tells Dinah before disappearing.

"Bye Mama Y/L/N." Dinah greets and as soon as I hear the close, I lick my lips before turning Dinah's head towards me and kissing her.

She pulls away quickly. "What was your mother talking about?" She asks, leaning back on her arms. "About you going somewhere."

I sigh. "I'm gonna visit my dad and siblings." I reply before leaning forward to kiss her again, but she stops me.

"To England?" She asks.

"Yeah." I reply and try to lean in for another kiss.

"Time out." She stops me. "When were you going to tell me?"

"When I had everything worked out." I reply honestly and sit up straight, seeing as I'm not going to get a kiss any time soon.

"So you were gonna be like 'hey Dinah, by the way, in two days I'm going to England', Y/N?" She asks, sitting up straight too.

"No." I shake my head. "I was gonna tell you when I had everything sorted. I just heard about this today." I defend myself.

"Yeah. Well. I'm gonna miss you." Dinah pouts. "How long will you be gone?"

"Two weeks." I reply, my eyes fixed on a bead of sweat on her chest.

"That's fourteen days." Dinah whines.

"Yeah." I gulp, watching as the drop moves downwards and disappears between her boobs. Now that my distraction is gone, I focus back on her. "It'll go by quickly. I promise."

She nods. "You can have your kiss now."

"You mean kisses." I correct her and she just shakes her head and leans forward.

I lean forward too and she moves backwards, trapping herself between me and the bed.

I look into her eyes before attaching my lips to hers. She then moves her hands and tangles them in my hair, pulling me impossibly closer.

We make out for a while, until she pulls away.

"Its getting hot in here." She bites her lip, making me cream my pants.

"Wanna go up to the roof then?" I ask, my eyes stuck on her bottom lip that's tucked in between her teeth.

"Yeah." She breathes and pulls me down for one more kiss before pushing me off.

I take the lead out the back door of the house with her on my tail.

"Wanna go up first?" I ask her.

She nods and climbs up on the flat surface roof before giving me a hand.

"Please." I scoff, eyeing her hand."I can do this shit with my eyes closed."

"Yeah but I don't want you to fall or something." She says, keeping her hand out. "I can't have my baby broken."

Now I'm putty in her hands.

I hold onto her hand and she helps me up onto the roof.

"You know." She says, walking around the roof for a while. "No matter how many times I come up here, this view will still be breathtaking."

"Yeah." I agree and take a seat on one of the bean bag chairs I put up here.

Dinah looks amused and parts my legs to sit between them.

"Since when did you start getting furniture?" She jokes.

"Since I bring people up here all the time." I respond and watch as she takes my arms and pulls them over her.

She turns back to look at me. "I thought I was special. Who else did you bring up here?"

"Well there's you, my siblings, brought Enrique up here once... and Melissa." I think out loud. "Well I didn't bring her ungrateful ass up here, she just came too."

"Are you mad at her?" Dinah asks.

"Not at all." I shake my head. "Just a bit disappointed."

"Do you think she - "

"Can we talk about something else?" I interrupt her, not wanting to have this conversation.

"Fine then." She says calmly. "Why did you never bring Tay up here?"

"Because her ass is plain scared." I laugh. "But one of the reasons why I like you, is because you're not afraid to take risks. I mean, you climbed the roof with no complaints or nothing. I like that."

"Are you talking about reasons why you like me now?" Dinah asks, craning her neck to look at me.

"That's exactly what I'm doing." I joke.

"Go on."

"I like you because you're so, daring and courageous. But also because you don't care that you're a ten year old in a nineteen year old body." I talk, causing her to scoff. "I like the fact that you care so much for those around you, even if they are annoying."

She leans back and I can see her smile.

"I like the fact that you're prepared to go slow with me, knowing that its my first time." I continue, looking into the stars. "And the fact that you're pretty is a bonus." I add, causing her to laugh.

"Shut up."

"Okay." I oblige and just lean back to look at the stars that are faded.

"I'm gonna miss you." She says, playing with my fingers. "For real."

"I'm gonna miss you too. It's only fourteen days."

Fourteen days? I don't know how I made it without her for the first nineteen years of my life.

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