Chapter 14.

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If there's one thing I hate, it's people all up in my personal space, but when it's Dinah...

It's just different.

"Are you even listening?" She asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What? Yeah." I nod.

"Then what did I say?" She asks, giving me an intimidating look.

"You said something about... ice cream?" I guess.

Her laugh fills my ears and I can't help but feel happy and aroused at the same time.

"Well I did say something about ice cream." She admits. "So you're not wrong there. But I only started speaking about it when I realised that you weren't listening."

"Sorry." I mumble.

"Are you okay?" She asks, placing one of her hands on my arm.

"I'm fine." I nod. "And so are you." I mumble under my breath.

"What?" She asks, confused.

"Nothing." I smile. "So, what about the ice cream?"

"Well, while you were in a dream land, I was just saying that..."

And there my head goes again. I think I just like the idea of her speaking, because her voice is so hot, rather than listen to what she's saying.

I think she noticed me zoning out again.

This time, she just pushes me off the bed.

"Ouch." I whine as I hit the ground.

"Serves you right for not listening to me." She says as her head appears over the bed.

I roll my eyes and get up to get back on the bed.

"Are you done zoning out now?" She asks me in a baby voice but with a serious look on her face.

"Yeah." I say, determined to listen this time.

She smiles and scoots over so I can resume my previous position, but this time, she keeps a hand on the small of my back.

How the hell am I supposed to listen now?

"So like I was saying." She licks her lips, causing me to look at them.

They're really pink, and really plump and -

"You know Y/N." She drops her voice, ruining my underwear. "If you wanted a kiss." She whispers, her minty breath ghosting my lips. "You should just take one."

I wasn't exactly asking for a kiss, I was just admiring her lips, but it's whatever.

I don't respond for the longest, until she leans in halfway.

Her eyes are closed and I have at least two seconds to admire her, before she opens them again.

When I'm done looking over her facial features, I connect my lips to hers.

It was supposed to stay innocent, but not with the way she's rubbing all up on me.

Before I know it, I'm against the matress and she's on top of me.

I resist my hands moving down to where I want them to be, but settle for her hair instead.

I pull her ever closer by her head and she parts my lips, asking for entrance.

I waste no time in giving in, but as soon as I do, she pulls away.

I whine silently as she takes a seat on my stomach.

"I thought you were inexperienced with this whole girl thing." She gives me a sheepish look.

"I am." I shrug, my hands resting on her hips.

"No. No, you're not." She laughs, catching her breath. "Are you gonna tell me what's bothering you?"

"It's nothing." I shake my head.

She moves her head lower, where I can feel the air she's exhaling on my face. "Dont lie to me Y/N."

I sigh and decide to lay down flat, with her following me.

She wraps an arm around my waist before resting her head on my shoulder.

"It's just... what are we doing?"

"We're laying in bed." Dinah chuckles.

"No." I refrain from laughing with her. "I mean, what is the point of this friendship?"

"What do you mean, what is the point?" She asks. "It's not exactly a friendship. It's more than that."

"So, what is it then?" I ask and she sits up.

"It's... it's... its kind of like the dating phase. If you wanna get technical and all."

"So, we're dating?" I ask, confused.

"Yeah, we've been on dates Y/N. You've just been to blind to see them."

"What? Where?" I ask.

"Do you think we just hang out for the fun of it?"She asks, lifting her head. "We hang out because I want to get to know you better and I want to take this relationship thing further with you." She says seriously.

"Hey." She places her fingers under my chin. "I really want to take this further with you."

This time, I can't help myself.

I pull her head down and kiss her. I feel her smirking, but that doesn't matter.

She pulls away with a smile. "Do you wanna go somewhere with me?"

"Right now?" I ask, checking the time. "It's nine pm."

"I know." She laughs and gets up. "Just... trust me on this one."

"Okay then." I follow her lead and get up. "But if it's a road trip, I'm choosing the music."

She laughs and takes my hand in hers, intertwining our fingers.

We walk into the living room, where we find her bandmates, all in different positions on different couches.

I'd met them earlier, really nice girls.

"Hey girls." She calls for their attention. "Y/N and I will be back soon. Okay?"

"Okay." The one with the emerald eyes that I've come to know as Lauren, says.

"Dont stay out too late." The dirty blonde, whose name I think is Ally, says in a stern tone.

Dinah rolls her eyes and grabs a set of keys from the hook.

She walks towards the door and just as I'm about to leave, a hand stops me.

I turn around to give Camila a questioning look.

"Good luck." She whispers. "Dinah isn't exactly the best driver."

"I heard that." Dinah mumbles and leads me towards the car.

I get in the passenger and make myself comfortable.

Dinah gets in the driver and as soon as she starts the car, we're swerving into the street.

"Oh My God." I mumble. "Are you trying to kill me?"

With your looks, your voice and your bad driving?

"Aw baby." She laughs. "I'd never do that."

I roll my eyes and catch my breath.

Halfway through the drive, her hand rests on my thigh.

I feel my skin erupt in goosebumps, embarrassing me more.

She smirks when she feels my leg.

"Tonight, I'm gonna take good care of you baby." She chuckles. "For real."

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