Chapter 12.

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"Oh My God." Dinah groans. "Pick up your phone."

I open my eyes and grab the vibrating phone off the bedside table.


"Hey side chick!"

I pull the phone away from my ear to see the time and then resume my conversation.

"Why the fuck are you calling me at seven in the morning?" I ask, snuggling into the covers.

"I thought you would be awake. My bad." She says before I hear a slurping noise. "But anyway. Why didn't you tell me about you and Mel's fall out?"

"Did you not hear that I said that its seven in the morning?" I ask with an attitude.

"I heard you all right. But since you're awake, we can have this conversation."

I groan internally and then sigh because I know I'm not going to be able to get out of this one. "What do you want to know?"

"Everything. From whatever incident happened to what happened yesterday."

"God, do you know how much explaining that is?" I ask, hoping that she'd let the situation go.

"You wouldn't have to do so much explaining if you told me what was going on before Y/N." Taylor says in a stern voice that she hardly uses. "I'm your best friend, I'm supposed to know these things . You come to me for support because you know that you can't do everything by yourself."

"I know Tay." I sigh. "You're at McDonald's aren't you?"

"How did you know?"

"Because you love it, even though they're really disgusting... you like the fact that they're cheap on Saturdays and you kind live for the breakfasts." I explain.

"You know me so well." She says, probably grinning.

"Yeah yeah. I'll be there soon. How did you find out any way?" I roll my eyes.

"Alex and I'll be waiting."

With that, I end call and just as I'm about to get up, Dinah pulls me closer.

"Where are you going?" She asks, her hot breath on my neck.

"To McDonald's." I sigh. "I have to go see Tay."

"You have to go right now?" She asks, snuggling into me, causing another goosebumps outbreak.

"Yeah. She's not gonna give up, or stop calling." I roll my eyes and she releases me, allowing me to get up.

"Give up on what?" She yawns cutely, making my heart flutter.

"The Melissa thing." I shrug.

"You're still on that? Why havent you spoken to her?"

"I did." I reply, putting my jacket on, as I get a little chilly.

"When?" Dinah asks, sitting up against the headboard.

"Yesterday." I yawn, then realize that I haven't told her.

I didn't want to. Cuddling and making out with Dinah is literally the best thing in the world. I didn't exactly want to ruin that by some irrelevant information.

"Is that why you were upset?" Dinah asks in a soft voice.

I nod and look down at the floor before she gets up to stand in front of me.

She's kind of taller than me, so her height intimidates me.

"Look at me." She growls. "You know you can talk to me about anything, right?"

"Right." I nod.

"So why didnt you tell me?"

"I was too upset." I admit.

Her face softens slightly. "You wanna talk about it now?"

"I would." I bite my lip. "But Taylor is kind of waiting on me."

She nods with a disappointed look.

I'm not good at opening up about things, but it's not like we're in a relationship or anything.

All its been is kisses and cuddles and long talks about any and everything. And she's amazing. But none of us have actually grown the balls to talk about a relationship.

But I guess it would be moving fast since we've just been in each other's presence for the past two weeks.

"Hello?" She waves one of her large hands in my face. "Come back to earth."

"I'm here." I blink quickly. "What did you say?"

"I said okay." She smirks. "We'll talk about it later though. Okay baby?"

Then there's all the petnames she's been giving me.

"Okay." I nod.

"Yeah, my bandmates are landing today anyway and I have to move my stuff into the house."

"Need any help?" I ask, with a cheeky grin.

"Probably not." She rests her hands on my hips. "But I would like to see you tonight."

"I may have time." I smile as she pulls me closer.

"You'd better have time for me." She leans closer.

"Mm. Always." I mumble, this time being the spontaneous one, and capturing her lips in mine.

She smiles slightly and pushes her lips harder against mine.

Since it's so early in the morning and I'm still tired and have no idea about my surroundings, I swipe my tongue between her lips.

She pulls back for a second. "Feeling confident Princess?"

Dinah has to be the best kisser in the world.

She's not like the other guys I've dated who are rough, she's slow and gentle.

I don't reply and pull her down for another kiss. This time she pokes her tongue in between my lips.

I grant her access and it becomes a full on tongue war.

I reluctantly pull away to see Dinah's lips puffy and swollen, but she's still so damn attractive.

"I have to go." I whisper, looking up at her.

"I know." She pouts and then hugs me. "But I don't want you to."

"But I have to." I whine and she releases me.

"I'll walk you to your car." She offers and I nod.

I slip my shoes on and take the lead out of the house.

I go into the kitchen to find Funaki's fine ass, coming from her morning jog?

"Y/N." She smirks. "Didnt know you were freaky."

"I don't even know what youre talking about." I admit.

"You, coming out from the bedroom looking all disheveled and sister dearest over there with the puffy lips."

"Listen." Dinah sasses her sister. "You know nothing. So shut up. All we did was sleep."

"Mm." Funaki smirks again. "Close the door on your way out. It's quite cold."

I walk to the car and Dinah shuts the door behind her.

Before I can open my door, she backs me up against it.

"So, I'm seeing you tonight?"

"Yeah." I breathe, getting lost in her eyes.

She smirks and leaves a lingering kiss on my lips before entering the house.

After making sure that that actually happened, I get in my car and drive to the restaurant to find Taylor sitting in her usual seat.

"Hey bitch." She greets me as I sit down.

"Yeah yeah. Let me tell you this story."

Complications (Dinah Jane/You)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang