Chapter 23.

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"Here you go." The bartender winks at me.

I internally cringe and force a smile as I accept the drink.

Eh, maybe I am gay.

I down the drink and feel the alcohol taking its toll as everything starts spinning.

As promised, Dinah bought me drinks.

It was only two before she disappeared to the bathroom with Ally.

Now I'm waiting on her to get my fourth, seeing as I had to pay for my third.

I feel a tap on the shoulder and look left to see Camila giving me a smile while nursing a tall glass of some blue drink.

"Hey." I smile, a little tipsy.

"Hi." She waves cutely. "How are you doing over there?"

"I'm cool. Just waiting on Dinah to get me another drink." I smack my lips as I look into the now empty glass. "But other than that, I feel great. How about you?"

"I'm good." She licks her lips before looking down. "Can I, ask you something?" She asks with a nervous smile.

"Uh huh." I reply, not really paying attention.

"Are you gay?" She squeaks out.

What is it with everyone and this question? Do I have a lesbian look or something?

But because she's cute, and I can't yell at cute people... I smile at her.

"I don't think so." I look up into the air.

I don't know if its the alcohol... But I'm feeling really philosophic.

"I think I'm gay, but I'm only into one girl. Not that I find girls attractive or something... But shes the only one that I've tried something with." I lick my lips. "So I don't think that I'm gay, but I may be."

"Thats deep." She nods and gets courage from I don't know where before downing the drink. "And honestly. It's attractive."

"Are you drunk?" I giggle and she orders me a drink.

"Nope. I'm just weak." She shrugs and slides the glass over to me.

I thank her and down the drink.

Now I'm officially drunk.

"You're cute. You know that?" I ask Camila.

She smiles and nods before her shy side comes back out. "Can I ask you another question?"

"Whats up?" I ask thoughtfully and put the empty glass down.

"Are you and Dinah like... a thing?"

I bite on my lip before looking down. I don't know how to answer this. I mean, we're officially dating and all... But still.
I feel a hand slide down my shoulder and grab mine before Dinah rests her chin on my shoulder.

"Baby." She whispers. "Is Walz annoying you?"

"Not at all." I reply and she kisses the side of my head before ordering me another drink.

I turn and see that Camila is gone.

Dinah sits in her stool and slides the drink over to me.

She watches me as I finish the drink. "You're so drunk."

"And you're so hot." I smirk, feeling the liquid courage.

"Stop." She giggles and comes closer to kiss the side of my head again.

Complications (Dinah Jane/You)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang