Chapter 38.

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I close the door quietly and then lock it, leaning against it and catching my breath before I go upstairs to my baby.

Who'll hopefully be my baby for a long time.

I walk up the stairs on my tippy toes and when I get there, I find that its all for nothing because she is in fact awake and laying in my bed with no shirt on and scrolling through Instagram.

I give her a small smile as I approach her. She notices me and gives me a wide smile, opening her arms.

I know exactly what she's going to do.

Hold me.

Kiss my face.

Kiss me.

But I feel so disgusting right now. "I need to pee."

I then take a detour to the bathroom in my room and splash my face full of water, making sure that I wash my lips and my cheek thoroughly.

I then have a mini argument with myself in the mirror before drying my face and going back over to the room.

Dinah holds her arms open for me and I hesitantly climb into them.

She squeezes me tightly and then kisses my forehead.

I can sense that she's still on a high.

She nuzzles her face into the back of my neck, causing my skin to erupt into goosebumps.

She then places a kiss on my neck and then on my left cheek.

"Where were you?" She asks as she pulls me down into her body so I'm laying in her arms.

"I was ... "

"Y/N?" She asks after she sees my hesitation. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I speak up. "Just.. I went to a house party tonight."

I sit up and so does she.

"A what?"

"Well I didn't go there to party." I tell her quickly, clearing up all confusion. "I went there to get someone."


"Melissa." I bite my lip softly and I can see her expression change out of the corner of my eye. She then reaches over and removes my lip from my teeth with her index finger.

"Why did you go there? To get her or to party with her?"

"To get her." I reply with a shrug. I feel like a total let down.

"Why did you get her? Did she call you?"

"Yeah." I nod. "I mean on the real though, if she was just calling for me to get her for no reason, I would have said no." I tell her truthfully.


"But she really sounded as if she was in trouble." I sigh. "Not like in trouble but... She sounded anxious. I know that voice. It means that she doesn't want to be at whatever place shes in."

Dinah sighs a bit. "Okay."

"Theres more." I tell her and she raises her eyebrows.

"Do tell."

"I... So I went in and got her. Some guy tried to have his way with her but she stopped him." I pause and take a breath. "And then I took her home and when I pulled up to her house, she gave me a kiss on the cheek."

"You let her?" Dinah asks. If she's asking about a kiss on the cheek now... then what happens when I tell her about...

"I didn't. It was unexpected so I couldn't exactly stop her. It was a peck nothing else." I defend myself. "But I don't think you're going to like what happened next."

Complications (Dinah Jane/You)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang