Chapter 35.

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"So you have no idea why I called you here today?" The man asks, as he looks over me from his view on the other side of the desk.

"To be honest." I smirk a little. "I don't even remember the call."

He laughs a little. "It's fine. I just wanted to talk business with you."

"Business?" I ask, frowning. "I'm not exactly the business person. It's kind of my mother."

"Well not that type of business. But another type." He says, putting me at ease. "I'd like to talk about the pictures you took of the girls for the cover."

"The pictures I took?" I think back. "Oh, the photoshoot." I remember and he gives me a wide grin and nods.

"Yes those pictures." He tells me. "And do you remember how I said that you have mad talent?"

"Yeah." I nod my head. "I think so."

He laughs a little again. "Well I did, and I still think you do."

"Thank you." I give him a small smile.

"No problem." He nods. "But I didn't exactly have you come all the way here to compliment you, I actually had you come all the way here so that I could offer you a job."

"A job?" I ask. I already have a job. Even though it deprives me of sleep and has an annoying intern and ex best friend on my dick all the time, I still have one.

"Yes. A job." He replies. "Taking pictures of course." He adds, clearing up the confusion. "And running the Fifth Harmony website. I read a small article in your mothers magazine the other day that was written by you, and I like the way you write kid."

"Thank you." I say quickly, trying to process all the information. "Taking pictures of what and for what exactly?"

"The girls." He shrugs. "You know... for their social media accounts, the web page etcetera."

"So when is this?" I ask him, trying to get all my ducks in a row.

"June. It's when we go on our South American tour. And all the tour's following." He says. "I hope you're not busy because honestly." He scratches the back of his neck. "I don't see anyone else fit for this job like you are."

"That's flattering." I nod. "And it sounds like a great offer."


"To be honest." I sigh. "I'm not sure about all of this. If you could give me time to think maybe?"

"Would a week work?" He asks, in a hopeful tone.

"A week would be perfect." I tell him and he grins widely, as he rises to his feet.

I follow suit and he gives me his hand to shake, I take it and shake it. "One week?"

"One week."

"I'll see or hear from you soon then, I hope Y/N?" He asks.

I nod. "Yes sir you will."

Now I need to go clear my head and make rational decisions.

So off to Tay's house.

I drive within the speed limit, still rushing though, and get to her house in a matter of fifteen minutes.

I open the door and am met with her mother.

"Hey Mama T." I smile and give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Y/N." She smiles, rubbing her hands on her apron. "I haven't seen you in forever. Where have you been girl?"

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