Chapter 39.

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"Baby are you done?" Dinah calls out as she walks into my room.

"Do I look like I'm done?" I ask, zipping up the bag.

"Obviously not. But I don't care." She shrugs and comes up behind me.

She then slips her hands under my shirt and rests her chin on my shoulder.

She then gives my shoulder a kiss and moves her hands upwards, right under my boobs.

"You just got here and you're already tryna get in?" I joke.

She chuckles and gropes my breasts. "Maybe."

"Yeah well as much as I would love to." I remove her hands. "I don't really like quickies."

She pouts until I turn around and  place my hands on the back of her neck.

Her hands venture down to my hips and slide around to my back and stay there as she leans down slowly.

"I've missed you." She whispers, our lips only inches apart.

"I've missed you too." I whisper in reply before giving her a gentle kiss on her lips. "But you don't have to miss me any longer." I smirk before giving her another kiss.

She pulls away with a smile and then comes back for another kiss, which turns into a make out session. Which always has to be interrupted by someone.

"I'm sure you two will have plenty of fun on the tour bus." T smirks as she leans against my door frame. "But don't stop on my account. Trust me." She lifts her hands in mock defence. "I enjoy free porn."

"More like soft porn." I chuckle and push Dinah slightly.

"I actually just came out here to ask you if you wanted to go for lunch before we leave?" Dinah says, wiping her lips a bit.

"Thats not what it looked like from here." Taylor smirks and I throw the nearest pillow in the room at her.

She just laughs loudly, but gets the message and leaves.

"So lunch?"


"So have you spoken to Melissa yet?" Dinah asks as she digs her fork into some lettuce.

"No." I reply with a cold tone. "And I don't want to either."

"Why not?"

"Because I realised what a little bitch she really is." I shrug.

Dinah puts her fork down and rests one of her large hands on my arm. "I don't care what you have to do, but you have to talk to her before we leave."

"I'm not talking to anyone Dinah."

"You're not supposed to run away from your problems. You know that right?" She asks, trying to catch my eye.

"I know. But I'm not running away, I'm ignoring it because it's irrelevant and if it's irrelevant, it's not really a problem."

She laughs and shakes her head. "You and your theories."

"Excuse you." I toss the empty container aside. "My theories and I got me a beautiful girlfriend."

"Yeah well maybe I wanted you to be mine before you wanted me to be yours." She challenges.

"And I would have known that how? Was your idea of hitting on me to come paint with you?" I ask and she laughs, removing her hand from my arm.

Complications (Dinah Jane/You)Where stories live. Discover now