Chapter 32

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If there's one thing that everybody does, and they know I hate it, is disturb me while I'm trying to sleep.

I don't care if you're Beyoncè...

I think that the last time that I got a decent amount of sleep was when I was in my mothers womb.

"Baby wake up." Dinah whines.

"I haven't even slept yet." I tell her and turn to lay on my stomach, hoping that she will just let it go and allow me to sleep.

But yeah, hope doesn't always work out.

"But baby." She whines and presses a kiss on my shoulder blade. "I'm so bored." She kisses it again.

She then kisses repeatedly and I groan. "Dinah... please just let me take a nap." I beg her. "I'm really tired."

"Oh. So I wore you out huh?" She says and I can basically hear the smirk in her voice.

"More like I wore you out." I tell her.

She scoffs and gets off of the bed. I hear creaking, so I know that she's digging around in my closet.

"Isn't this mine?" She asks and I, with all the effort in my body, turn to see her holding a hoodie.

"Maybe." I shrug. "I don't even know whose clothes are in my closet anymore."

"Aw you have a stuffed animal collection?" She says as she turn around and picks up a chocolate coloured bear. "Whats his name?"

"Chester." I reply and turn to bury my face in the pillow once again.

"Why the fuck would you name him Chester?" She asks and I hear a thud so I'm assuming that the stand fell over.

But I don't care.

All I'm tryna do round here is sleep.

"And this one?"

"Jonathan." I reply.

"You didn't even look back so how do you know which one I'm talking about?" She asks, and I can hear her repacking.

"Does it even matter?" I ask, so done with the conversation.

"Yeah it does." She says and then starts swooning. "Ooh the one with the heart attached to the front. Whats his name?"

I perk up at the mention of the all too familiar teddy bear. I imagine it in my head. "His name is Satan."

"Why would you name a stuffed bear, Satan?" She asks. "Is there something that i should know here?"

"Melissa gave me that one." I tell her and sigh into my pillow. "I never liked him but I kept him for the sake of Melissa. And now that shes out of my life, I don't see a need for it anymore."

I hear the creaking again so I know that the door is closed. A second later, I feel the bed dip slightly and Dinah's hot breath in my face.

I open my eyes to see her, now in a grey hoodie that I rarely ever wear because it was too big, but she looks good in it.

Her hair is now pulled up in a ponytail and it shows off her beautiful face.

"What do you mean done with Melissa? I thought you two went out to dinner and shit?"

It then dawned on me that I was never able to tell Dinah Jane about the whole lunch/dinner thing because she was really drunk that night.

"We did." I reply nonchalantly and turn onto my side, seeing as I'm not being allowed any sleep. "And it was horrible."

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