Chapter 22.

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"So..." my mother smiles, shoving a spoon of cereal into her mouth. "I didn't hear or see Dinah leave this morning." She smirks.

"She left early." I shrug and take a sip of the orange juice. "I kinda woke her up by accident."

"By accident?"

"My phone rang." I explain.

"And who exactly was calling you at that ungodly hour? It's way too early in your relationship to be cheating Y/N." My mother jokes, but I'm not laughing.

"It was the men who interviewed me." I tell her with a smile. "I got the job."

"Aw baby!" My mother pulls me in for a warm hug. "I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks." I reply, wiping some of the juice off of my lip line.

"You know." My mother says as she peers over the cup of coffee in her hands. "You haven't gotten back to me about my offer."

"What offer?" I ask, confused.

"The job offer." She says, and I sigh in realization.

"Oh yeah."

"So, do you have an answer?" My mother asks, putting the empty cup down on the table and focusing all her attention on me.

"Not really." I reply honestly. "You're kind of putting me on the spot here Mom."

"Take your time." She says as she gives me a reassuring smile.

I roll my eyes, knowing that she's silently pressuring me, but it's whatever.

I sniffle and blow my nose a bit.

I then get an incoming call from Dinah.

So, in order to not look needy, I wait until the third ring to pick the phone up.

"Hey boo." Dinah says happily, causing me to chuckle.

"Hey Dinah." I reply, smiling a bit, while looking out of he window.

The rain is still hard. It's been raining for three days straight now.

"So, are you busy at the moment?" She asks sweetly, causing me to hold my chest so I don't fall over.

"Nope." I reply, stepping closer to the window and feeling the cold air that comes with it.

"Good. Because I need just one minute of your time."

"I'm listening." I reply, my curiosity sparked.

"So, because you're such a good girl and my parents like the fact that opposed to all my other friends, you're decent... my mother invited you and your mother and Taylor over for dinner."

I pout a little, knowing that that means no alone time with her, but I sigh and agree anyway. "I just have to find out from my mother, but Tay and I will be there. She never misses the opportunity for some food."

Dinah chuckles in response. "Okay then. How are you feeling today?"

"A little better." I shrug, knowing that she can't see me.

"That's good." Dinah replies. "So what are you doing at the moment?"

"Just watching the rain." I reply, my eyes fixed on the waterdrops. "Hey Dinah?" I call out.


"Do you think rain water is clean?" I ask, watching as the water runs down the gutter and into the tank.

Complications (Dinah Jane/You)Where stories live. Discover now