Chapter 34.

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"You shouldn't be smoking around here." A thin and familiar voice says, bringing me out of my high for a second.

"Oh yeah." I exhale. "And what are you going to do? Report me?"

"Y/N." Melissa whines. "You know I don't like you smoking. Whether it be weed or hookah or even cigarettes."

"And Melissa." I take another puff and exhale. "Did you know that i don't like you pointblank period?"

She knows that I'm high and she probably thinks that I'm just saying these things because I'm high. But I'm not. I'm just being honest.

"Listen." She sits down next to me and uses her hands to wave the smoke out of her face. "I know you have problems, but smoking doesn't solve anything."

"Uh huh." I take another hit. "And did you smell that I have problems because if I remember correctly, I haven't spoken to you in the longest."

"Youre my best friend - "

"Was." I correct her. "I was your best friend. Now we're not even friends. We're just acquaintances. Mere colleagues."

"I understand that but - "

"Then why are you all up on me Melissa?" I cut her off. "Can you please just leave me alone. Like, why are you even here? Go home. It's late."

"I was here for you because I care." She says, looking directly at me, but I look in the opposite direction. "Believe it or not Y/N, I love you and I care for you."

"Are you done?" I ask her, putting the joint out. "Because I'd like to leave now."

She sighs and gets up before settling on an awkward pat on the back. "I'll see you around Y/N/N."

"Yeah whatever." I mumble. "Just go home." I say, lighting another.

The office's back yard is hidden even though basically everything is made of glass. It's the one spot where I can chill where nobody will see me. Except for Melissa.

Her nosey ass finds everything.

She found me once last week and now she knows.

If I'm missing, I'm behind the wall.

A moment later, another voice comes up. "I didn't know you smoke."

"Yeah well there's a lot of things you don't know about me then." I shrug, exhaling the smoke. "You kind of proved that last night didn't you?"

"Y/N." She whines, sitting down."You know I didn't mean that."

"Really?" I put out the joint, ready to talk. "Can you prove it? Is it because of the non existent apology or... ? Where was I when you said that you didn't mean it Dinah?"

She grabs the basically destroyed joint out of my hand and puts it on the ground next to me.

"You... Y/N. I just can't with you. You always have an attitude and I guess I just lashed out, out of anger. I didn't like the fact that we never hung out in public like other couples or anything. I didn't realise that you spent all of your time with me." She explains, using her hands. "It's just that the way you don't care, it just gets to me."

"Well I'm sorry that my personality fucks you up." I apologize in a fake manner. "And while we're at it, I'm sorry that I spend my time working to receive an income and to get somewhere instead of lazing around on my ass waiting for you to come home and be ready to go out or something."

Her facial expression changes drastically. "Why do you have to say that? I'm not asking you to choose. I just admitted that I was wrong. For fucks sakes Y/N. Get the hell off cloud whatever you're on, and come back down to earth so we can talk."

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