Chapter 15.

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"You're funny thinking that you can beat me." Dinah laughs as she shoots another hoop.

"You're funny thinking that you're the shit." I cock back and try, but fail to shoot the ball in.

"Damn." I mumble, my third time missing.

Dinah looks over at me and laughs at the pout on my face.

"Wanna try again?" She asks.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes. "I obviously suck so I don't wanna play any more."

"C'mon." Dinah whines. "Dont be a sore loser. I can show you." She offers.

"I don't wanna be shown." I mumble and throw the ball on the ground.

So I am a sore loser. So what?

"Baby." Dinah chuckles lightly, running behind me. "Come on."

"I don't wanna play." I reply and proceed to the exit.

I feel hands around my stomach.

"Are you gonna let me go?" I ask Dinah, not bothering to turn around to see her.

"Hmm. Nope." She smiles against my shoulder. "Just shoot one hoop with me and then we can go. Okay?"

"I don't wanna shoot." I whine, trying to remove her arms from my body.

"Just one." She bargains.

"Then we can go, for real?" I ask, turning back to look at her, but I can only see the side of her face.

"Mm. Forreal." She says and then kisses my shoulder. "I'll help you."

"Help me how?" I ask as she finally lets go of me.

"I'll lift you." She smirks.

Sounds familiar.

"I don't think - Oh My God." I interrupt myself as Dinah lifts me. "You're strong." I mumble and she puts me down again.

"I know." She smiles. "Now are you gonna shoot the thing so we can go?"

"Why don't we just go." I mumble and retrieve the ball.

"Because I don't like things that are incomplete." Dinah tells me and then places her arms on my sides, lifting me.

I put the ball through the net and she drops me.

But stops me from falling.

"Are you crazy?" I ask Dinah, who is grinning from ear to ear.

"Just a little bit."

"You're such a kid." I mumble and get my jacket from the corner of the room.

"Yeah, well you're growing up too fast." She replies.

"Speaking of growing up." I mumble, and follow her out the door. "I'm thinking of quitting my job."

"What?" Her head whips around. "Why?"

"Because." I shrug and take her offered hand in mine. "My time is up there. I'm gonna start looking for other opportunities."

"That reminds me." She chuckles as she leads us out of the front bowling alley. "You never told me what you did or what you want to become."

"I'm actually just hanging around business management right now." I shrug. "Just hopping from business to business to gain experience."

"Thats cool." Dinah nods at me. "And you're smart. That's cute."

My cheeks heat up at the compliment and I look away to avoid her teasing.

"So, Y/N." She swings our hands back and forth as we walk into the cold air.

"Hm?" I hum, shivering a bit.

She notices and pulls me closer by my waist to keep me warm. I smile at the gesture.

"Do you want to go out with me?"

"Is that your lame attempt of asking me out?" I laugh.

"No." She replies quickly. "I mean yes. But I don't want to ask you out right now. I just want to know if you would be up for a relationship with me?"

"Uhm." I pretend to think. "I think I would." I smile.

She smiles. "Kiss?"

I lean forward and give her a peck on the lips before getting back in the passenger side of the car.

"So, where to next?" Dinah asks, taking the wheel.

"You still wanna go somewhere?" I ask, gripping on the dashboard so she doesn't kill me.

"Well yeah." Dinah looks over at me. "This is kind of our first date. And I want it to be special."

"It was." I assure her. "I would go anywhere with you."

"Oh yeah?" She smiles. "Then come to the game with me on Saturday?"

"Of course I'm going to the game." I laugh. "I have to take my nephew again. My sister is kind of busy."

"Really? I have to take my brother." She rolls her eyes. "But at least you will be there. So I won't be that bored."

"Sure." I laugh. "So where are we going?"

"I don't know." Dinah shrugs. "You wanna go to McDonald's?"

"Not really." I cringe. "I'm not a big fan."

"So, pizza then?"

"Pizza it is." I agree and she grabs my hand to hold it and rest our hands on the consol.

"So, do you like the girls?" She asks, gripping my hand tighter.

"They're fine." I nod. "I don't know them, but they're really nice and chilled."

"Good." She smiles. "Because if you didn't get along with them..."

"You'd stop hanging out with me?"

"I'd cut them off." She laughs. "You're special to me. And, puberty hit you with a truck."

"Are you saying that I was ugly?" I ask, slightly offended.

"No. I'm just saying that you're hotter now. And prettier." She smiles. "So, if you look like this." She lets go of my hand to gesture to my body. "How come you didnt have anyone special before I came along?"

"I guess I just hated the way I've been treated by guys so I just stopped dating." I explain. "Or I kinda took a break." I smile at her.

"How about you?" I ask. "Why didn't you have a significant other?"

"I had a really bad break up with my last girl." She says, eyes on the road.

"So you were into girls for a long time?" I ask, glancing over at her.

"Not really. Youre the second." She explains, licking her lips.

I smile to myself and look out the window.

"Y/N?" She whispers, shutting the car off as we stop outside the pizza parlour.


"Can I kiss you?"

I nod and lean in to kiss her. She smiles before pressing her lips against mine.

"I really like you." She says once she pulls away.

"I like you even more."

Complications (Dinah Jane/You)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon