Chapter 3.

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"You want a Happy Meal again?" I ask as Taylor jumps on my back.

"No. I just wanna know how your date goes." Taylor replies and I can practically feel her smirking.

"Firstly." I let her off. "It's not a date. And secondly, I'm not bringing you anything home. So don't even ask me."

She pouts. "Not even a Happy Meal?"

"What is it with you and that shit anyway?" I ask, adding earrings to my ears.

"What? The nuggets are just so good." She moans.

"Then why don't you let me buy you regular nuggets?" I ask. "I'm tired of having to pay for the damn toy."

"What is your issue with the toy?" She asks in the same tone.

"I just don't understand why I have to pay for it." I shrug.

"You heard what the woman said, to make it a round number with no change." Taylor practically yells at me. "You're always having an argument with the woman on the intercom."

"Because they always choose the one who speaks the worst English to speak on the intercom." I defend myself. "And that is the stupidest reason in the world for why I have to pay for the toy."

"You know what? Whatever. I don't need to argue about this crap with you." She replies. "Just go have fun on your date."

"It's not a date." I oppose. "I'm straight anyway."

"Yeah, sure you are." She rolls her eyes.

"Like you said, we don't have time to fight about petty things." I stop her.

"You look cute." She compliments me, making me forget about the whole stupid argument.

"Thanks." I reply absentmindedly and then remembering that I'm going out with Dinah. "Really? You don't think it's too much?"

"Your face alone is beautiful. You look beautiful. Clothes or not." She replies.

"Sometimes I wonder about our relationship." I sigh outloud and put my phone in my pocket.

"What?" Taylor asks. "You never had a dream about kissing your best friend?"

"No." I look at her as if she's crazy. "But now I probably will. Thanks Tay."

"You're welcome." She smiles. "Now hurry up. Or you'll be late." She says, pushing me towards the door.

"Yeah yeah." I roll my eyes and allow myself to be pushed towards the front door. "Just take care of the house. Okay?"

"Yeah. I know." She rolls her eyes. "Mama Y/L/N will kill me if I don't."

"Yeah well Mama Y/L/N will kill me if I told her that I left you in charge of the house. So lets keep this on the hush." I tell her, getting the keys from the hook.

"I won't call anyone and have a party. I promise." Taylor tells me and leans up against the wall. "You really do look pretty."

"Thanks Tay." I give her a genuine smile and lean in to give her a peck on the cheek. "Just please, don't burn the house down."

"Okay Mom." She rolls her eyes. "Now go."

I brush her off and run towards my car, seeing as its raining.

I get in and close the door, turn up the heater and connect my phone to the aux cord.

I press the shuffle button and smile when I hear Sorry. I went crazy when I heard that Lemonade dropped.

Complications (Dinah Jane/You)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora