(NOT ROMANTIC!) Underfell Sans and Underfell Papyrus

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((Woah! My first one shot that's not romantic????? Wow??? This is going to be so fun to write! Sorry if you were expecting fontcest, there's no fontcest in this book *^* this was requested by EnderSlayer_01  thanks for the awesome request!! Mature language warning!))


I need a new hobby, and I need one fast. I never really thought yelling my head off at Sans would begin to become something I would come to hate, yet here I am, grimacing about all the stupid times I yelled at Sans. For no good reason.

I always saw myself as reasonable and him as just a lazy butt. But now, things are getting weird. I've been feeling a bit guilty about all the pressure I lay on this guy.

But I won't show any signs of weakness. No way.

No matter how much I had to lie to myself, I wouldn't apologize to him or stop insulting him, which made me hate myself more and more.

I let out a sigh as I walked through the cold snow. Some people looked at me and hurried off in a rush to get to safety. As if I was some evil creature. Some people would stare at me and grin as they looked back on all the evil deeds I had done.

"Is he alright?" One monster whispered. "He's been there almost all day..." Another monster whispered.

I let out a low growl and scowled at the monsters whispering about me. Their faces went pale and they scurried off in a rush to find shelter. I sighed and looked at my hands.

I heard someone walk towards me and I turned my head over my shoulder to see Sans. Unlike the other monsters, he didn't grin or turn away in fear of me. He just looked at me...normally.

And it made me feel a little bit better.

But I wouldn't let myself give in.

I toughened up my exterior and crossed my arms over my chest. "Why aren't you at your station?"

"It's break time." Sans replied, a small chuckling following after that said: shouldn't you know this by now?

"Oh, yeah....I forgot..." I said, getting a bit embarrassed at the fact I forgot. I got to get out of here before I embarrass myself any further.

"I-I should go-"
"Actually, boss, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out? Just this once. I don't know...I just feel like we should bond a bit...you know...forget it. I'm sorry. It was a stupid question..."

Sans instantly cowered back from his original plan and sighed. I realized something right then and there.

He was scared of me too.

It was only natural, I had yelled at him and pressured him so many times. He was afraid I would be the same and yell at him some more.

I felt a wave of guilt. For making him feel the way I did. For taking my anger out on him just because nobody else was around.

Now, yelling at him isn't going to change. But this stress I've put on him...I should do something nice. Just for once.

"Sans...your right. We should...hang out." Those words felt weird on my tongue, but it made Sans grin. "Hell yeah! I-I mean, alright! Let's go!" Sans said and looked ready to grab my hand, but decided against it as he headed towards Grillbys.

I sighed and began to question my decision to do this....


I don't know why I got excited. Maybe because we haven't hung out in a brotherly way since we super f*cking young?

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