Chapter One

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I wake up and roll over to an empty bed. I get up sighing. Of course he had to go to work again super early. I understand though. That's how it is being famous. You have to get there early and stay late. Thank goodness I'm on break. I head to the kitchen starving. I smile when I see a note. I pick it up and read it.
'Good morning beautiful! Or knowing you good afternoon! Im sorry I had to rush off to work but I will be back around 3 so we can hang out. Or you can come over to the guys. Whichever you prefer. Call me!
When I finish I smile. He knows me well. I always sleep in on breaks. But can you blame me? After all the late recording sessions, choreography, and everything else I get tired! I know I could just wing it but I want my fans to have the best experience ever. Even if that means I have to work later hours and a lot harder if its for my fans it's worth it. I grab a quick breakfast before settling down with my laptop on my couch. I log into twitter and scroll through everything. I follow a couple of fans and reply back. I find one page but am hesitant to click on it. Finally, my mind wins even though Harry would not like this. I click on the page and read their tweets.
'Taylor swift is a joke. She is as talented as a dying donkey."
'Kill yourself you blond bitch.'
'Me and all my other millions of followers hate you!' And those were just a few. I am looking at the replies when Harry walks in. I quickly shut my laptop and wipe away my tears.
"Hey beautiful! What's wrong?" He says concerned.
"Nothing." I choke out causing him to frown.
"Taylor hand me your laptop."
"Taylor please." He says looking at me with pleading eyes. I hesitate but finally give in. I hand him my computer and he opens it. He looks at the account and sighs. "Taylor why do you read this? You know it just hurts you and me. I hate to see you like this." He gets up and wraps his arms around me.
"I'm sorry. I-I just can't help it! All those people were agreeing and-and I don't know. Would it be better if I was dead."
"Taylor.. you are perfect the way you are. I love you and that's all that matters ok? They don't know you like I do. If you were gone I don't know what I would do. I already miss you when we aren't together. It's hard enough living in different countries but if you were gone.." I wrap my arms around his neck.
"I love you Harry."
"I love you, too." I press my lips against his and smile when I feel the sparks. I know it will sound cliche saying this but I can't even describe how I feel when I kiss him. We pull away and he smiles. "Lets watch the tellie." He says making me laugh. "What?" he says childishly.
"I love your British slang. It's adorable."
"I'm not adorable! I'm a man!" He says making me laugh again.
"Of corse you are honey. Now lets go watch Ellen." I say laughing. I love her show. I'm not sure why but I do. He follows me and the rest of the day we sit around sharing a few kisses here and there. My life is perfect right now. But we all know perfect doesn't last forever.

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