Chapter Two

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I walk around my house board so I call Harry.
"Hey Cutie!" I hear the guys teasing him in the background.
"What's up?"
"Not much. Niall whining about food, Louis is running from Zayn. The usual." I laugh. I can imply guess what Louis did this time.
"What did he do this time?"
"He stole Zayns favorite hat and threw it into the pool along with his new shoes." I laugh again.
"Louis never seizes to amaze me with his pranks."
"Yeah. So what have you been up to?"
"Oh not much. Just laying around being bored."
"Wanna come over?"
"Um if it's ok with the guys."
"BOYS! CAN TAYLOR COME OVER!" He yells. I hear some muffled responses when some one speaks.
"Taylor this is Louis! We would love to have you over but can you bring food? I am dying! Well.. mostly annoyed since Niall won't be quiet." I listen as Louis rambles on when Louis yelps! "No! I am taking to her!"
"Louis give me my phone back!"
"No!" I listen as they bicker back and forth like little kids. Finally Harry gets the phone because I hear Louis in the background getting lectured by Liam.
"Sorry about that. Louis stole my phone. But come right on over! Ignore anything Louis said."
"Ok. See ya in 10!"
"Bye. I love you."
"I love you, too!" I hang up and drive to their flat. Oh yeah. I'm in England for a 3 month break. Still have 2 more months thank goodness. I stop by McDonalds and grab some food though. When I arrive Niall practically attacks me for the food. I chuckle and hug them all. When I reach Harry he chuckles.
"Sorry about Niall. He is hungry."
"I noticed." I say teasingly.
"Taylor. Can we talk?" I nod knowing where this is going. "Have you been on twitter lately?" he asks seriously.
"Yes." I say sighing.
"Taylor please tell me you haven't been reading hate." I look down trying to avoid his eyes. "Taylor. please don't read that stuff."
"But I can't help it. All these people hate me because of who I am or because I am dating you. I-I read one tweet but then that leads to more and.."
"Taylor look at me. Taylor please." I loom up into his emerald green eyes. "Please try to stop reading that stuff ok?"
"Ok. I'm sorry Harry."
"I know. Come on. Lets see if Liam got Niall to share the food." I take his hand we walk into the living room to see Liam wrestling Niall for the McDonalds bag. I laugh and sit down watching. Finally Niall gives in and we all eat together. About a half hour later of hearing Louis, Zayn, and Liam complain about me and Harry acting all couple like El, Perrie, Cher, and Dani come over. (Payzer is still together in this book) When they get her we all shriek in excitement. We haven't seen each other in weeks. After lots of hugs we all sit down. "Lets play spin the bottle!" Says Louis. We all look uncertain assent of us are taken but finally we all give in. I soon first and am relieved it lands on Harry. When he spins I look away as Harry and Cher kiss. I love her but her and Harry used to have a kind if thing going on and it scares me. I smile like a madwoman when her and Niall kiss. He told me he has a major crush on Cher which I find adorable. I can so see them together. After and hour or so of awkwardness Louis makes us at truth or dare. Louis starts this time. I love playing truth or dare with them because its so funny. "Niall! truth or dare?"
"Dare?" He says nervously knowing Louis can be extreme with dares.
"I dare you to.. go dry hump with share outside." I watch as they both blush.
"No way!"
"Gonna chicken?"
"Them so it!" They go outside and do it much to the fans enjoyment.
"Ok so Zayn truth or dare?"
"I dare you to eat a raw onion this kiss Perrie." We all laugh at their faces after the kiss. Perrie because of his breath, Zayn because he doesn't like onions. Finally I get asked buy Liam.
"Truth or dare Taylor?"
"What did Harry talk to you about?" I glance at Harry nervously.
"Just asked me about hate. That's all." Liam nods understandingly. We all decide to stop after that and watch tv. This ended up in a huge sleepover which was very..interesting.

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