Chapter 38

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Zayn POV
I look at Liam who looks just as bored as I am. The others are all happy and lovey with their girlfriends. Louis and Eleanor keep sneaking sweet kisses while Harry and Taylor whisper to each other and cuddle. It's amazing how different our relationships are. Harry and Taylor kiss but don't really like PDA. They like to cuddle and talk and things like that. Louis and El share sweet kisses and things like that all the time.

Niall is texting someone on his phone and can't stop smiling.

"Hey boys. I might as well tell you now. I have a girlfriend."

"Who?!" El and Taylor say together.

"Not saying. You guys can meet her sometime though."

"How long?" El and Taylor start to question. They sit next to Niall and squeal whenever whenever he says something sweet about her. Louis and Harry watch the girlfriends with loving eyes. Then there is Liam and me.

"Liam, these people make me feel left out."

"Yeah. It's weird to think that it used to be us being all lovey with our girlfriends and now.... we are watching them."

"Yeah. But Harry and Taylor still aren't well. Harry said Taylor still won't eat a lot."

"Yeah. Harry told me he is careful around her so he doesn't loose his temperature. Taylor said that annoys her because she wats him to treat her like normal."

"They need to talk out their problems or they will end up like Perrie and me..... Why did you and Danielle......?"

"She said it was for the best. She wanted to focus on her career."

"Oh. Sorry mate."

"It's fine." he smiles and we both turn back to Harry and Louis laughing at Niall.

"What....?" I ask.

"Well, the girls asked Niall is he..... of he is safe- with his girlfriend and he turned bright red!" They say laughing.

"What? We don't want mini Niall's running around." El says innocently.

"Yeah. We'd all run out if food." Niall covers his face with his hands and we laugh.

"Lets watch a movie." Louis says.

"Ok. What movie?" Liam asks.

"Love Actually!" El, Taylor, and Harry say at the same time. We all laugh at Harry but pop the film in.

Louis POV
I look down at the beautiful girl next to me. I'm so glad to have her back.
"I love you." I murmur.

"I love you, too." I kiss her gently and smile. I can't get enough of it. After weeks with out her it feels amazing to be able to hug her and kiss her whenever I want.

"No PDA!" Zayn says teasingly and throws some popcorn at us.

"Hey!" El squeaks surprised.

"Ok sorry to interrupt but I have a date with V tonight. Bye." Niall leaves and I look at Zayn. He has a weird look on his face. Oh well! I turn back to the movie and pull El close. I don't want to leave for tour.


I sigh and hit snooze on my alarm clock. I can't believe the two weeks is already over. "El. Wake up beautiful."

"I don't want you to go." she mumbles.

"I don't want to leave you but I have to. Are you coming to the airport?"

"Yeah," she says getting up.

"Are you sure? You have uni today and-"

"I'm sure. Besides, I want to see how t goes with Niall and Harry. Taylor and Harry are saying goodbye at Niall's I know so I want I see Harry's face when Niall and Taylor have to say goodbye at the airport." I chuckle at El's response.

"Ok. I got my bags and they are waiting for us outside. Lets go." I follow El out of the flat and put my bags in the trunk. We get inside the car and I smile at Harry and Taylor who are cuddling in the backseat whispering to each other.

"El, you ok?"

"Yeah. I'm just gonna miss you."

"Hey. You have done this tons of times before. I will call and text and Skype everyday. I promise."

"Louis, don't. You will be so tired you don't need to call and Skype everyday. I will appreciate a text though." she teases.

"I want to call you and Skype you though. I will miss you. I won't be able to see you for 3 months." I sigh.

"We are here boys! Taylor! Hold Niall's hand."

"Thanks Paul." we all mumble.

We get out and head inside the airport. I hug El and rest my head on top of hers.
"I love you."

"I love you, too." I press my lips against hers and kiss her gently. I'm gonna mess her so much.

Taylor POV
"I love you Harry."

"I love you, too. I'm gonna miss you so much."

"It's ok. We can call and text and Skype."

"Yeah but there will be time differences and you will be around all kind of guys and-"

"And nothing. I only have eye for you Harry. I promise." I kiss him sweetly.

"I love you."

"I love you, too." we cuddle in the back seat and talk all the way to the airport. I sigh and kiss Harry one more time before taking Niall's hand.

"Bye Niall."

"Bye Taylor. You ok?"

"Yeah. I'm gonna miss you guys."

"You will hear a lot from us. With Louis skyping El and Harry skyping you we will see you two a lot."

"I'm glad we are friends Niall."

"Yeah. I'm sorry for how I acted at first. You really are sweet. Harry is lucky to have a girl like you."

"Niall. No offense but I don't want to kiss you. I wish we didn't have to fake date."

"Yeah. Bye Taylor." we kiss gently before pulling away.

"Bye Niall." I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him. We go to join the others and I say goodbye to the rest of the boys. I hug Zayn the longest though.

"Thank you for everything."

"No problem. That's what best friends are for."

"Bye Zayn."

"Bye Taylor. Be careful ok?"

"Ok. Watch Harry and Niall for me. Don't let them get too drunk."

"Sure thing. See yah Taylor. I'll call you and text you ok?"

"Yeah. Bye Zayn."

El and I hold hands and wave at the boys as they leave.
"I'm gonna kiss them so much." El says sadly.

"I know. Lets go to my place. We can talk and hang out."

"That sounds great."

We head to my place when El stops and points a shakes finger to my doorstep.
"T-Taylor." I look to where she is pointing and suddenly it all goes black.

2 more updates (and an author note) tonight because I may not be updating for a while.

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