Chapter 17

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Harry POV

It's been a month since that night. And ever since I have been trying to watch out for her. I'm watching my every move so she doesn't cut again. I say at hers all the time with the boys. I told then when I got home, but they promised not to tell. I stay over at night, we all hang out together, we eat lunch, breakfast, and dinner together. I'm always around or one of the boys are. Zayn and I made up but I am still scared to leave him with Taylor. He has been kind of... unstable since Perrie broke up with him.

*RING RING* I quickly answer my phone.


"Harry, please come over to the office in 15 minutes. You have a meeting." says one of managements workers.

"Ok." I hang up and head over. When I get there Liam has an annoyed look in his face

"Harry! I told you about this yesterday!"

"I know. Lets go." we go in the netting room and sit down.

"Boys! We called you in today because you are going on tour in 3 days-"

"3 DAYS!" I yell. "Why weren't we told earlier!!!!"

"Harry! Sit. We were but we got busy with some other... tour problems. You can only take 2 people-"



"Ok, that's decided. Now be ready in 3 days when Paul comes to pick you up. Now leave." I get up and go to my house. How am I gonna tell Taylor? I wish I had spoken up sooner. Then she would be on tour with us. I call Louis.

"Hey Hazz!"

"Boo bear. Do you think Taylor-"

"Sorry mate. I know how much this would mean to you but I can't. I already told El and-"

"Yeah. I understand. I'm just worried about why she might do while I'm gone..." I say trailing off.

"Yeah. I understand. Maybe try Liam?"

"Yeah." I hang up and try Liam but get the same answer as I did from Louis. A no. So now I haw to tell Taylor somehow. She is so unstable right now though and... I sigh. Ugh. I drive over to tell her. I go in and smile.

"Hey beautiful."

"Don't call me that." She says annoyed.


"Because its not true." I sigh. Not this again.

"Yes it is. To me you are the most beautiful girl in the world. What about Eleanor? Or Perrie and Danielle? Thy are all a million times prettier than me." She says looking down. I go over to her and wrap my arms around her small waist.

"So? Your the only girl I see." She looks up and I kiss her softly. "I love you."

"I love you, too Harry." We sit down and I start to talk.

"Taylor. I have something to tell you."

"What?" She says shaking with fear.

"I'm going in tour in 3 days."

"What? But... how will I do this with out you? I-" She starts to break down.

"Hey. It's ok. I will call, text, Skype, whatever it takes. I will come see you on breaks, I will try to fly you in, I will do anything."

"But... Harry I'm scared. You are the only reason why I haven't..." she trails off and I know what she means. If I wasn't around constantly that night could have repeated itself over the past month. I wrap my arms around her and sigh.

"I know. But after 8 months I will be back. I know it sounds like a lot but it won't be."


"It's ok. Now, lets go eat." She nods and we head to Nandos to meet the boys there. We order and Niall smiles happily when our food arrives. We all dig in. Except for one person... Taylor.

"Aren't you hungry?" I say frowning.

"Uh... of course!" She quickly takes a small bite of her salad. "See? Yum!" She chews and swallows trying not to gag.

"Taylor are you ok?"

"Of course! Fine. Why?"

"It's just your not eating and-"

"Just not feeling well. Nothing a goodnights sleep can't fix." She says smiling.

"OK." I say still unsure. When I go home that night the boys come to my room.

"Harry what's wrong with Taylor?"

"What do you mean Liam?"

"Well..." they all glance at each other. "She didn't eat much today and-"

"She wasn't feeling well."

"Yeah. But have you not noticed her weight loss? We feel like every time we see her she is skinnier than before." Says Zayn.

"Yeah. Have you really not noticed?" I have, I think to myself, I just don't know how to handle it.

"Yeah but she says she is just sick. She will get better by the time we are back from tour." I say faking happiness.

"If you say so mate." Louis says doubtfully before walking off.

"Well, we will leave you alone now but watch Taylor closely ok?"

"Yeah. Of course Ni." The rest of them leave but Zayn stays behind.

"Mate I really am sorry."

"I know and I forgive you."

"But that's not all. You really need to watch Taylor. Perrie went through a phase like this but it wasn't nearly this serious. She ate less and worked out more because of hate. She was starting to having serious problems. You really need to watch out for Taylor. No girl deserves to feel the way she does. Besides Perrie I am the closet to Taylor out of all the girls. I just want her to be ok." Zayn says seriously.

"Thanks mate. I'm glad you will be there for her. but I have to know. Did the kiss mean anything to you?"

"Honestly? No. I was just upset and confused." He says.

"Ok." That's a relief.

"Night Hazza."

"Night Zaynie." I head to bed and lay there thinking before slowly slipping into a sleep filled of nightmares.


So, you guys have been getting lazy with comments and votes and shit. (Big surprise there -_-) sooooo I decided to update one more time before saying: I will NOT update until I get at least 15 votes and 10 comments on this chapter and chapter 16. I don't get if only 5 fucking people comment. And if you guys decide to send rude things then shut the fuck up please? Don't get mad because I want my readers who supposedly "like" my stories, to be more active. I understand constructive criticism but that's as harsh as it can get. If it offends me go the fuck away and don't come back.

Ok sorry. Had to have that little rant because YOU PEOPLE ARE FUCKING PISSING ME OFF BITCHES. Ok now I'm done. But seriously. Either comment and vote. Or don't get updates. It's that simple. :) bye.

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