Chapter 35

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Hey guys! I decided to update because I'm all excited and stuff. So I think I might like this boy and we were texting earlier and idk. Whenever I'm around him I feel happy and when we text I always smile when I see he has texted back. He is super nice and is adorable! He isn't "hot" or "sexy" he is adorable and cute. I am not sure though and yeah. So here is an update because I am happy. :)

Taylor POV
I leave Niall's room on the verge of tears. This is all my fault. If I had only stayed away from Harry. Maybe then none of this would have happened. I wipe away my tears and-
"Sorry." I mutter to whomever I ran into.

"Taylor, can we talk?"

"About what?"

"You know what. Please. You don't understand."

"Look, I get it. I need to go."

"No! Listen ok? Taylor, you don't understand how hard it is. Day after day I can't hold you in my arms or kiss you or tell you how much I love you. Day after day I feel like you're slipping through my fingers. It kills me to see you with Niall because I still love you."

"You don't understand Harry."

"Then help me understand. Please." he looks at me begging. "Taylor, please don't push me away. I just want to be there for you. I want to fix you." I wipe away a tear that runs down his cheek.

"I'm sorry Harry. I need to go."

Zayn POV

"Can I come in? I need someone to talk to."

"Sure," I frown taking in her appearance. "What happened?"

"Harry. He best up Niall and them confessed everything to me and now I'm just confused. Zayn, I still love Harry but I'm not good for him. Everyone says so. At first I didn't believe them. But now..... I'm not so sure." I sit down next to her on the couch and wait for her to continue.
"Zayn, it hurts. To know that I caused all this. Harry and Niall are fighting because of me. I don't know what to do. Niall is hurt because of me and Harry doesn't deserve any of this. Neither one of them do."

I take a deep breath before saying, "Taylor, I don't know exactly how you feel, the best thing you can do is talk to them. Perrie and I didn't work because we didn't communicate the best. I always new something was wrong with her but I ignored it. Don't make the same mistake. Talk to them and communicate with them. True love will always win."

"Zayn, I just don't know. I want to talk to Harry but I don't want to hurt them any more. He doesn't deserve all of the crap that comes with me." I look at the sad girl next to me.

"Taylor it's ok. It will all work out in the end somehow. For now just work on getting better." She nods and forced a shaky smile.

"Thanks Zayn. See yah later." I nod and hug her before she leaves. After she leaves, I decide to look at the ring I was gonna give Perrie. It's a promise ring. I was gonna tell her how much I loved her but its too late. I wish I knew why she broke it off with me.

I don't understand that. We were in love and then one day, she broke up with me. I don't want Harry and Taylor to go through the same thing. They are meant for each other. They just need some help.

"Zayn, I don't know."

"Harry you're gonna do this."


"Butts are for sitting dumb ass. Now, I told Taylor to come here at 2 so you have 10 minutes." Harry nods and I give him a reassuring smile.
"It's ok Harry. It will be fine."

Louis POV
I wake up to a pounding headache. What happened? I roll over and sigh when I don't feel El's sleeping body. I wish she hasn't slept with Harry. I rub my face with my hands. I can't keep doing this.


"Hey, it's me. Can we talk?"

I wait nervously for Eleanor to show up. I hope this goes as planned. I hop up and quickly open the door for El.
"Hey El." I say nervously.

"Hi Louis." My bit of hope grows smaller when she says Louis and not Boo bear or Lou like she used to.

"I uh..... it's just that..... I mean I....." I swallow nervously. I take a deep breath and collect y thoughts before speaking this time. "Eleanor, I can't keep doing this. I can't act like everything is fine when it's not. Ever since I decided we need space life has become hell. I-I need you. I love you."

"Louis, this is....." I look at her hopefully. "I need time to think." I nod and force a big smile.

"That's fine. But I..... please don't get mad." I whisper.

"Why-" I cut her off by kissing her gently. I can't let her leave with it doing this. If she kisses back I know I have some hope if not then..... I wait for her to kiss back and as time goes by I become more and more discouraged.

I pull away and search her eyes for anything. Anything that shows she still loves me. "El?"

"Louis," she takes a deep breath. "Louis I..... I'm sorry. I just need time. I'll call you in a couple of days."

I sign and fall back onto my bed. Idiot! Why did I kiss her? she said she needed space and me being the idiot I am kissed her. I run my hands through me hair when someone knocks on the door.

I go downstairs and open the door.

"Louis, I did something terrible. I've lost her. I've lost her for sure. She..... she is scared now. I lost her." I look at Harry confused.

"What happened?"

"No! I can't say. It's terrible. I-I can't believe I did that." He mumbles over and over it.

I grab my phone to call Zayn. Maybe he knows.
"Louis, do you know what happened between Taylor and Harry?"

"No, that's why I was calling you."

"Oh. I don't understand. I had Harry and Taylor in a room together to talk things out. Next thing I know harry is running out crying and Taylor is in a corner whispering something to herself over and over again."

"Well that's just great. Zayn, I need to go. Maybe I can get Harry to tell me."

I sit down next to Harry and put an arm around him.
"Harry, you can trust me alright? I'm your best friend you can tell me anything. So please, what happened?" I ask slowly.

"Please don't judge me or think any less of me," he says looking at me with sad eyes.


"It all started like this....."

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