Chapter 13

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Taylor POV

I get in my phone and check twitter. It's been days! I look at how many mentions I have. Hm... must be fans. I look at them and am shocked. Every single one is hate.

'Drink bleach.'

'Die slut.'

'How you could be such a bitch to harry?!'

Those were just a few. I don't understand. Why? I was just in the hospital. Why would they do that? I check Harry's page and read his last tweet. Why would he tell everyone I kissed Zayn? Zayn kissed me! I keep scrolling through tears threatening to spill. I take a deep shaky breath and go I the bathroom. I look into the mirror. All I see is terrible. I'm ugly. I'm Stupid. I'm fat. Worthless. Die bitch. We all hate you. These thoughts swarm through my head, remembering all those the hate filled tweets. I stumble around looking for my razor. I have trouble seeing through the tears and am in a slight daze as I look for it. Where is it?! I toss things in the ground searching for it desperately. Finally, I see the familiar gleam of the razor blade. I take it and close my eyes. I put the metal against my skin. And cut. I start small. Just a few small cuts. But as I remember more and more tweets I start to sob and I do larger sized cuts now. My tears mix with the blood running down my arm and onto the floor, my tears stinging my cuts. I slide down to the ground. I don't understand. Why me? Why? I quickly get up and dry my tears. I bandage the cuts and put on a jacket. I was just about to call Harry when a knock is heard through out my house. I go to the door and open it. Only to reveal.......Harry.

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