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So when I started this story, I had set a goal of 500 reads, 100 votes, and 50 comments in total. It now has reached 105k reads, 2k votes, and 700+ comments. That means so much to me. I had started writing when I was about 12. In the past two years, my writing has (hopefully) become better. For those from the very beginning and still remember my story "That One Boy"... I LOVE YOU! I love you all of course. But to those with me from when I first started in wattpad, thank you. You guys motivated me to keep writing, even when I sucked. Oh, and to readers who weren't here for TOB, don't worry. It was horrid. I deleted it long ago.

Now to those who are here because you liked Liam Payne's Sister, I love you guys, too. Because you liked my other story enough to come read this one.

And finally, to my Scars readers. Thank you. This story has been a roller coaster for me. I took so many breaks and there were shitty times through out this story, I know. But you guys stayed till the end. I deleted Broken Road tonight. I will be starting the sequel over from scratch tomorrow night. This really is amazing guys. I don't like to refer to you guys as "fans" or "readers" to be honest. You guys are more like friends. The friends that I need but don't have. You guys were there when I needed you and many of you still are. So thank you. For everything. For reading, for voting, for commenting.. for being my friend.

It's so amazing to think that, what? Maybe a year or so ago, I had started this story. And I wanted 500 reads. I just, thank you. I honesty can't believe how many people read and enjoy (hopefully) this story. Especially when there are so many other authors who are not 14 but years older. Authors who have taken writing classes and didn't just decide to write randomly one day. There are authors who have been writing for years, who are in college, who take a writing classes, who do all these things. They are amazing authors and I'm just.. me. I mean, I am 14 year old who doesn't even pay attention in the required English class. I googled all my homework and asked friends for answers. Shut up. Don't judge me. Anyways, while I'm going into 8th grade other authors are going into college or some high school grade. So to think that you guys are reading my story when there are so many other better ones.. it's amazing.

I really am just.. shocked. I'm so happy right now. So, thank you guys so much! I will be starting the sequel soon and it will be much better! Love yall!

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