Chapter 29

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Harry POV

I open my eyes and look sound confused. Where am I? I take in my surroundings as I remember what happened. I should have told Taylor. She is probably worried.

I turn around when I hear footsteps.

"Hello?" I call out.

"Mr.Styles, it's me Eric." He closes the door behind him and smiles.

"Sweetie. Come in!" he calls. I watch as beautiful, young girls come in.

"How old are they?"

"Introduce yourselves." He instructs them.

I stare at them in shock. The oldest one is 16.

"Why are they here?" Eric just smirks and leaves. They take their robes off leaving them nearly naked.

"Girls, put those robes back on." I scold. The youngest steps up.

"B-b-but Eric w-will h-hurt us again." she stutters scared.

I get up and go over to them. They back away nervously. "I won't hurt you." I say softly. I go to the youngest, who is only 13, and hug her.

"It's ok. H-how does he hurt you?" I ask.

"H-he t-touches us." She replies.

"Why did he send you in here?" I ask.

"He-he wants us to sleep with you." the 16 year-old says. I would if I wasn't taken and these girls weren't so young. I mean, for a sixteen year old she has an amazing body. NO! Shut up mind.

I sit down and stare at the poor girls in front of me. What should I do?

"Harry? Have you not touched them at all?" Eric asks shocked coming into the room.

"Get out." I say.

"Calm yourself. I brought you food." he says. He hands me a tray of food and a cup if milk.

"Wait!" I stop him as he leaves.

"What about them?" I gesture towards the girls and he sighs.

"Until they do their job they don't get food until tomorrow night." He says.

I hand them each some food after Eric leaves. They take it nervously and eat it.

"Girls? We need to get out." I say.

"But how?"

"I-I don't know." I admit. Who knows where we are. We could be in Alaska for all I know. I lay down in the small bed to sleep.

I wake up to a scream in pain. I run towards Eric who is beating the 13 year-old.

"Leave her alone!" I scream. I stand in front of her and he glares.

"Move it Styles."


I glare at him and he raises him arm to punch me. I flinch and he laughs.

"Scared? You should be." He starts beating me and laughs. The girls scream and go to a corner. He finally stops and leaves. That little piece of shit.

"Girls?" They come over to me and hug me.

"Thank you." they say. They set me down and start to look at my cuts and bruises.

"We don't have much but come with us." I follow them to a small bathroom where they pull out a small first-aid kit.

After they finish fixing me up, I thank them and we all sit down in the bedroom part of the room.

"What should we do?" I ask.

"We usually just talk or just sit in silence. There isn't much to do around here." One of them says.

"Oh." I mumble.

Taylor POV

Where could he be? I don't get it. I glance at my laptop. I haven't been in twitter lately. It can't hurt to peak right? No, I promised Harry I wouldn't hurt myself again. Nothing good will come out of this.....

Finally, I grab my laptop and log into twitter. I scroll through my mentions and quickly shut my laptop. What if they are right? Maybe Harry just didn't want to be around me anymore. They know Harry has disappeared. Maybe they are right and he left because he couldn't stand me?

I glance at my razor but try to resist the urge to take it. No, Harry wouldn't want you to do that Taylor. But Harry probably left because of me, I am ugly and fat and hated.

I glance at it again and reluctantly take it in my hands. I look at my wrists that have old and new scars on them. I know, I have stares cutting again. When Harry disappeared I cut again that day and now....

I press the razor against my wrists over and over again.

"Hello?" Shit! I quickly start to clean up but it's too late. The boys are coming in and see me in the bathroom.

"Hey guys." I say weakly.

"Taylor-" Louis starts seriously.

"I know." I sigh. "It's ok. I-I know what I am doing." I protest as Louis tosses my razor into a trash can.

"Taylor, that doesn't matter. You shouldn't be doing it at all." Niall says softly.


"No. What would Harry think?"

"He probably left because of me." I say.

They clean up and sit down in front of me.

"Taylor, where did you get that idea?" I look down and avoid their question.

"Who's hungry?" I ask.



"Have you been on twitter."

"No." I say quickly. They take my laptop and sigh.


"I'm sorry ok! You don't understand how this feels. Everyone hates me. Harry was my rock and now he is gone. I don't know where he is and I-I don't know what do," I say balling my eyes out. "I feel so alone and-and...."

"It's ok Taylor. But you need to know that you aren't alone, you have us. We will find Harry ok?" Louis replies cutting me off.

"But-" he cuts me off my putting his finger over my lips.

"No. Now, we need to think if ideas in how to find Harry." Zayn says.

"I think I know how." I say.

"But Taylor, that's too risky and-"

"And it's the only way we can find him." I cut Zayn off. "Guys, unless you have a better idea I'm gonna do this." I say.

"Taylor, we just don't want you to get hurt." Liam says softly.

"I thought..... never mind." I mumble.

"What? You thought.....?"

"I-I over heard you guys talking one day, you all talked about how Harry shouldn't be dating a slut like me. He should just dump me and how none of you guys even like me." I say shakily. They all glance at each other guiltily.

"So you guys weren't lying?" I say hurt.

"Look, it's just that-"

"I-I need to take a walk." I mumble.

Hey guys! So early update! You guys reached the goal! No offense but when I saw that I was shocked. Anyways, I got some PM's asking if I had an Instagram, well, I just made one! I mean. I have a private one but that one is private obviously. My account is called: @xXbeautiful_imperfections

This is what my wattpad account would have been called but someone already took it. :( follow if you like but right now I have nothing posted.....

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