Chapter 15

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Harry POV
I'm an idiot. I should have believed her because now I don't know what to do. Thanks so much Zayn for fucking up my relationship. I head back home to think and lock my bedroom door. Who did tell the truth? I mean, Zayn is my best mate and he wouldn't lie to me. But neither would Taylor... I sigh frustrated and fall backwards onto my bed. Gah! I cover my face with my hand, thoughts flying around in my head. What if Zayn likes Taylor? Or what if Taylor likes him? Maybe-
"Harry? Mate can I come in."
"You ok?"
"Not really."
"Follow your heart. I know you care about them both but you have to decide. Girls who make you feel like Taylor does don't come around every day you know."
"I know but..."
"But friends like Zayn don't either. I understand. But you have a choice. Our best mate for 3 years or your girlfriend. It's your choice because either way, someone will end up hurt. And it might not be Zayn or Taylor." Louis gets up and leaves. When he reaches the door he stops. "I hope you make the right choice." He says quietly and walks out shutting the door behind him. Well! That was... deep. I sigh, now even more frustrated. I just don't know who to believe. I don't want to loose either of them but I will one way or another. After hours of thinking I make my decision and look for the person. I arrive at their door and knock quietly. After a minute or so the door opens and I see the face that I know is telling the truth.

Zayn POV
Seeing Harry at my doorstep makes me feel even worse.
"I believe you. I am gonna break it off with Taylor."
"Look. Harry-"
"No. Zayn I don't want to loose one of my best mates."
"No. Mate please-"
"I'm sorry. I need to go to Taylor's. I hope she takes it ok." He says looking down. I look at his sad face and can't contain myself.
"I was lying!" I say loudly.
"I was lying. I kissed her. Please forgive me mate. But don't break up with her. She needs you."
"Zayn. Why?"
"Because. Perrie broke it off with me. I don't know why and I-I didn't know what to do. I just... You, Liam, and Louis are all so happy with your girlfriends and me? I just..." I trail off not knowing how to finish my sentence.
"I have to go."
"Please Harry mate." What have I done? I watch him leave and want to cry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I just wanted to do something. It's not fair. I don't understand. After a few minutes I finally go upstairs and lie down to think. I look at the picture of Perrie and I. Why Perrie? Why?

Ugh. I don't really like this chapter. :/ I might rewrite it later on. Anyways hope you like! Thanks so much for all the amazing comments last time and I want to say thank you for reading my story! How did you find it? Please tell and I will mention the best one! Er... well something like that anyways. Byee!

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