Chapter 26

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Taylor POV
"Why would he do that?" I say sobbing into Zayns chest. "I-I thought he loved me." I say.
"I don't know why he would do that Taylor. But everything will work out, until then you have me, I'm much better than Harry." I tease trying to lighten up the mood.
"I'm sorry Zayn. You can go, you don't have to stay and listen to me cry over Harry."
"Taylor, look at me." I look up into his brown eyes.
"I know what it feels like to be heartbroken. I went through a lot of it alone. I don't want you to go through it alone, too."
"Thank you Zayn." I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him tightly. "I'm glad we are best friends."
"Me, too."
"I wonder how Louis is."
"Probably heart broken."

Eleanor POV
"Yeah Louis?"
"I think we should take a break."
"What? Louis, please just give me more time. I promise I love you and only you. I made a mistake please forgive me. I can't loose you." I cry.
"I don't want to do this but maybe we need time away. Just a few weeks maybe. I love you El. Don't forget that." I nod and he brushed away a tear with his thumb.
"I love you Louis."

*2 months later*
Taylor POV
I wake up and sigh. I have a bump but its not huge. I have already told the public about it and have taken off until its over. I want kids but I didn't want them so soon. Yes "them". I am having twins. Harry still won't talk to me and that hurts but I am growing stronger everyday. It hurts less and less. It helps that Zayn is always here to console me.

I go downstairs and was about to eat breakfast when my doorbell rings. I get up to answer it and my mouth falls open in shock when I do.
"Taylor? Can I come in." I nod and step aside for him. We sit down and he starts to speak.

"I'm sorry for not listening. Zayn told me what really happened. Why didn't you tell me though?"
"Eric would just hurt you. He did that to my other boyfriends."
"Taylor. You don't have to worry about me. I'm upset that he did that to you and that he abused you. Did he.... did he rape you more than once?"
"N-no. I am scared to tell the police. He has friends and what if they get you?" I start cry thinking of all the pain I must have caused Harry.
"It's ok." he leans forward and kisses me sorry. "I love you."
"I love you Harry. I'm so sorry." He hugs me tightly. I wish we could stay this way forever.

*6 months later*
(Sorry for the big time skip nothing really happens in the six months)
"Harry, what should we do today?"
"I don't know." I sigh bored.
"We should go shopping!"
"No! I could get some things for Kate and Luke!"
"I-Fine. But I'm paying."
"Harry! I have plenty of money. Don't forget that I'm a singer, too."
"Yeah but I still want to pay."
"No. Now lets go!"

We go to the mall first and walk around for hours. Suddenly, something trickles down my leg.
"Harry. HARRY! I think my water just broke."
"WHAT?!" he calls 911 (don't know what it is in England). "Yes, my girlfriends water just broke. Please hurry." People come over to help and have my lie down. I start scream when the first contraction comes.
"Harry it hurts." I whimper.
"I know baby I know. It will be ok. Soon you will have two beautiful children in your arms." He takes my hand and winces at how hard I squeeze it.

"Everyone please move!" the ambulance truck is outside and the workers have put me on a stretcher. It hurts to stand up and so I can't walk. Suddenly it hits me.
"Harry. They aren't due for another 2 months. What if something is wrong! What if-" he cuts me off.
"It's ok. Don't worry."

We arrive at the hospital and take me to a hospital room and send in doctors and nurses.
"Honey, you ready to push?" I nod.
"Ok. You can start." I push and push and I feel like nothing happens. Ugh, damn you Eric.

Hours later I finally do one last push and bite my lip waiting for the cry of my baby. When I don't hear anything i start to cry.
"Whats wrong with my babies? Are they all right?" The doctors look at me and take my two kids out of the room. One of them comes back in and smiles at me.
"Good news, your babies are alive. However, we are going to keep them here until we know for sure they are perfectly healthy." I nod and grab Harry's hand. He smiles at me with tired eyes. I was about to speak when Zayn comes in.
"Zayn!" I say happily.
"Zayn." Harry says much less enthusiastic.
"Harry! Zayn, what's up?"
"Not much. As soon as I heard I came here." I smile at Zayn and let go of Harry's hand to get up and hug Zayn but everyone immediately stops me making me pout.

"Harry, stop glaring at Zayn. He is your best mate!"
"Yeah but he kissed you and-"
"And he just so happens to be my best friend, too. Zayn, please excuse Harry." I snap at Harry and Zayn chuckles and nods.
"Taylor. You ok?" he says cautiously eyeing Harry.
"Zayn. I think-"
"Yes, I'm fine." I say cutting off Harry.
"Just wanted to check."
"Harry, can you excuse Zayn and I?"

Harry POV
I wait outside the hospital room worriedly. Last time I left Zayn alone with Taylor he kissed her and..... I sigh. What could they be talking about?

After 10 minutes I decide to eavesdrop. I press my ear against the door and listen.
"She doesn't know what she is missing Zayn. It's ok. You'll find the one for someday."
"But I already did, I met her before X-Factor. She was beautiful. I loved her with all my heart but....."
"Management. They made me cut off all communication with her. I met Perrie and I fell in love all over again. But all this time.... I still can't get the raven girl out if my mind."
"The raven girl?"
"Long story." I sit down once I know nothing is going in in there.

Zayn walks out and smiles at me.
"I know you were listening." he says.
"Oh. I just-"
"I understand. I would feel the same way. I hope I can earn your trust back again." he smiles sadly.
"Yeah. Me, too."

Sooooo, anyone else notice my hint towards the next book? I can't wait to start publishing it and everything!
Please try to get.... 20 votes&10 comments!.

Scars (Harry Styles and Taylor Swift)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon