Chapter 47

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Taylor POV
It's been a week of nothing. Nurses and doctors have been rushing in and out, some visitors coming every once in a while, and the terrible hospital food. Life has been bleak and pointless lately. Harry constantly crosses my mind though.

Even though I don't want to, I still love and care about him. The only problem is he doesn't care about me. All week I have been watching the news and getting updates on him and his secret girlfriend. Does it hurt? Yeah. It hurts like hell but he's happy so it's worth it.

Harry POV
I groan in annoyance when Sandra sits next to me. Sandra is my fake girlfriend. Management said the Taylor Swift thing was bad publicity so now they are making me date a slut. She is fake in every way. Fake hair, fake eyelashes, fake tan, hell, she probably has fake boobs, too.

All week the boys have been keeping me from seeing Taylor saying that she needs to get better first. But how much longer? I'm tired of waiting and it kills me to see the others happy. Of course I'm glad they are happy but while they are dating the love of their life, I am stuck with a slut because the love if my life is in the hospital no thanks to me. Life is just great isn't it? Not.

"Sandra. Get off me." I say through clenched teeth.

"But baby! Don't you wanna have fun?" she pouts.

"No. Now get off me."

"Fine. What's up your ass?" she grumbles. I roll my eyes and proceed to ignore her. Taylor got out of the hospital yesterday and I want to go see her some time today. The boys tried to talk me out of it but failed. So, after Sandra leaves I will go see Taylor.


Sandra finally left. It took her a while but she got the hint and I am now on my way to the hospital. I'm really nervous. Taylor will probably be mad but I bought her some gummy bears, her favorite magazine, some books she wanted, food that won't kill you, and I am gonna sing her some songs. I put everything in a care package and hopefully she will listen to the songs.

I take a deep breath and knock on the door.
"Come in!" I open the door and smile sadly at her.

"Hey Taylor. I put together this care package for you. And I brought you some food." I set it down on her bedside table. "Oh! And I want to sing you some songs if that's ok?" I say fidgeting nervously.

"I don't mind. But what about your girlfriend?"

"Who? Oh, she isn't really my girlfriend. I mean, she is but she isn't." I frown. "Management is making me date her and I still love you but they say you are bad publicity. So I yelled at them and we fought for a while then I met Sandra at the meeting. They told me the plan and I yelled some more. I would have visited sooner but the boys." I say rambling.

"Harry. It's ok. I-I understand." She smiles slightly. "I thought you didn't care anymore."

"Of course I care Taylor. How could I not?"

"Harry..... I am going to get help. Real help. I am going back to America for a couple of months. 4 at the most."

"What?" I say breathlessly.


Taylor POV

I run my fingers over my scars that still haven't faded away completely. "Someday everything will work out. I promise. But until then we have to stay strong."

"But I can't loose you."

"And you won't. You will just have to wait." He nods and we press out lips together for the last time for awhile. "I love you ok?"

"I love you, too. And I don't care if I have to wait forever and a day I will get you back Taylor. Scars and all."


It's over! THAT'S IT! I finished! Thank you all for the support and for reading. I started this with a goal of 500 reads and got over 60,000. Thank you and I love you loads. THERE WILL BR A SEQUEL. I REPEAT. THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL. This story, even with everything that happened, is still a big part of me. I have an idea for a sequel so I will post an authors note when I start posting the sequel.

I GOT AN ASK. IT'S @miilesfromsafety if you want to ask me anything. Love you loads!

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