Chapter 25

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Harry POV

I wake up as look around confused. Where am I? Is this a.... hotel? I look around the hotel room but no one is there. I turn on the TV and immediately regret it.

"Harry Styles. For the first time in months was caught at a bar. Reports say that he was caught with several different girls. We found some of them and brought them in for an interview. Keep in kind this is only a few of those girls he was caught with. Does this mean there is trouble in paradise? Stay tuned to find out." I groan and hope Taylor doesn't see this. I mean, sure she got p-pregnant but at least we weren't dating when it happened. I keep watching as the last continues.

"The first girl we brought in would rather not have her name mentioned. Hello dear!" A pretty blonde walks on stage and sits down.


"Now, tell us what happened last night."

"We danced. He was obviously drunk. I asked him why but he didn't answer. Instead he kissed me. It got heated and we snogged. All there is too it."

"Ah. Well, thank you for sharing." I keep watching as the stories get worse and worse. And, they even have proof. There are pictures and videos people took. But it wasn't until the last girl comes out that I really freak out.

"This last girl doesn't need an introduction. Everyone, Eleanor!" I watch in horror as Eleanor walks out.

"Hello. Thank you for having me."

"Hello! We are glad to have you. Rumors have it that you were spotted with Harry multiple times last night. Care to share?"

"When I saw Harry, he looked upset so I asked him to dance. It started out as just dancing like friends. But, as we continued it became 'dirty' I guess you could say. We danced for a bit before he kissed me. My mind said not to but I couldn't help it. We were both drunk. When he deepened the kiss, I knew I should have pulled away. But I didn't. We went to corner and we made out for a bit. It wasn't until he..... touched me that I knew I should stop. But when he pressed against me and told me it was for me..... I couldn't help it. We went to the bathroom and..... got on you could say-"

"Sorry to interrupt but was he your first time?"

"No! Louis was. Anyways, we 'got on' and danced some more. I remember 'getting on' with him- and Louis please forgive me- but got on with him," she blinks away tears. "Harry and I had sex at least once at the club. We were extremely drunk. We left and went to a hotel where we got on who knows how many times. More and more keeps coming back to me but I am not proud if any of it."

"Can you give us am example?"

"I would rather not. Louis, I am so sorry. I love you. If you can't forgive me I understand. I don't even know if I can forgive myself." She stands up, thanks the host, then leaves.

"Well, there you have it people! If I counted correctly, Harry 'got on' several different times last night. What will Taylor think? I hope we wi find out."

Eleanor POV

I go home and bite my lip when I see Louis waiting. I walk up to him and look down ashamed.

"Eleanor. We need to talk." I nod and we go inside.

"Louis I-"

"I need I go first. How could you? I know you were drunk but.... I thought you loved?" he says crying.

"Louis. I do. You have to believe me. I love you with everything in me. I didn't mean for everything to happen."

"How many times did you guys...."

"I lied to the host. I didn't want to admit how many times."

"How many times?" he presses.

"Counting the club, the ride there-"


"The ride there and at the hotel...."


"At least twice." Louis stares and sits down.

"Wow. I-I....." I sit down next to him but he moves away. I wish u could erase last night. I wish I could forget the way Harry touched me.... but I can't.

"I know. We were at the club from I think 4 to 9 and at the hotel...."

"We need to take a break."

"No! Louis please. We have to work this out. I can't lose you!"

"I can't do this. Not right now."

"Let me show you I love you. Some how. Let me take you on a date. I'll never talk to Harry again. Please." I bed sobbing.

"I-I..... one chance. You have today and tomorrow." I nod excitedly.



"Good night." Today has been perfect. I hope he feels the same way. I stare at him while he sleeps and sigh. I try to forget how Harry touched me but laying here I can't help but want it again. I imagine him touching me and instantly scold myself mentally. Eleanor, your getting a second chance and your thinking about this? I'm so screwed.

"Louis. Wake up."


"I made you breakfast. It's in the kitchen."

"Thanks." he gets up and walks to the kitchen leaving me alone in my room. I wish I hadn't gone to the bar last night. I wouldn't feel so upset and Louis wouldn't have gotten hurt.

Louis POV

I go to the kitchen where I see all my favorite breakfast foods laid out. Eleanor is trying really hard but I-I just don't know. I love her, I really do. But I can't handle another heartbreak, when I saw that TV interview, I wanted to die. I felt broken and hopeless. I hated it. I feel so dependent on her now. I wish I wasn't but at the same time I love it. I have never needed someone like I need Eleanor and I want I forgive her so bad. But I am scared.

"Louis? How is it?"

"Great surprisingly." I say teasingly. She has never been the best cook.

"I woke up extra early to prepare it. I looked up cookbooks, videos, anything you can think if so the breakfast would turn out perfect." She says nervously.

"How long were you up?"

"About 3 hours."


"I know but I can't loose you."

I lay in the guest bedroom thinking. Maybe I should give her a second chance. Just set some rules? Or maybe I shouldn't so she knows that her actions have consequences? I don't know anymore.

Hey guys! So.... should Louis give El a second chance or should something happen between El and Harry? Please comment below what you think will happen and what you think will happen!

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