Chapter 1: The New Student

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Aura pov
This has been my third school. I was so nervous for what lied ahead from me. Ever school I went I was bullied. I hope this school would be better. I came to the front of the building and looked at it. I took a deep breath then walked in. I found the office the principal which was a serperior. She showed me the 11th grade hall way and my locker. She handed me a schedule and then left.

I put my things in my locker. I looked at the schedule and seen my first class is poke history. I walked to room 108 and walked in. The teacher which was a gothitelle stopped talking about what she was talking about and then looked to me. "Yes?" She said to me. I walked over to her and explained I was new here. She said "class this is a new student. Her name is aura and I hope you give her the same respect you give all in this school." She then turned and looked to me and said "you can sit next to lucas that red Lucario." She pointed to him.

When I laid my eyes on him my heart felt like it stopped and I realized I must like him. I walked to my seat and sat down. Miss shade was the teachers name she continued with the lesson. In a little time after that the bell rang and all left the room. I did the same and looked at my schedule. I felt a paw on my shoulder and turned to see lucas. "Hello." He said to me. "Do you need any help finding your next class?" He asked and I replied with "yes."

He looked at my schedule then said "ah you have fighting class with mister burn. I have his class next follow me." He walked ofc and I followed. He led me out a back door to the school and we came to a training area. "Hey lucas me and blade thought you'd be late." Said a blaziken walking over to us with a gallade by his side. "Yeah, I was just helping a new student here named aura. Aura meet blaze and blade." Lucas said introducing them to me. "Hi." I said a little shy.

"Come well let you meet mister burn." Lucas said to me as him and the other two walked off. I followed and we came to an infernape. "Mister burn this is aura she's new." Lucas told mister burn. "Hello miss aura. Before you start any of the task the others are doing you must pass a test." Mr burn said to me. "Like what?" I asked. "You'll have to beat me." He told me and went into the battle area. The whole fighting class stopped what they were doing to watch. I went into the battle area as well. "Ready?" He asked me and I nodded.

He came at me with fire punched and I dodged using extreme speed then when I got behind him I used force palm on him. He fell but got back up. He jumped in the air and came at me with blaze kick. I threw an aura sphere into the air knocking him back. I heard the students gasp at what I was doing. He then used flame blast and I got hit by it. I got up and he used flamethrower on me. I used iron defense blocking it then when it all cleared I used metal claw on him. He went back.

He stopped. "That's enough I seen what I needed to see. Miss aura here is a wonderful fighter I claim she has beaten me." He stated. "Aura you may join Lucas's group." He told me and I nodded. After all that was lunch. "Hey aura you can sit with me and my friends if you'd like." Lucas offered. I smiled and followed him to his table. I sat down the seat next to him. "Aura these are my friends you know blaze and blade. There's also kara the shiny zoroark, night the regular zoroark, flare the braxien, and rose the gardevoir." Lucas introduced me to all his friends.

They all greeted me kindly. "Hey toots who are you?" A charizard asked me as he came over to the table. "The names aura." I stated. "Well aura you must be new around here so let me tell you I'm the big one around here and all girls want a date with me. Your the lucky girl I pick you to come on a date with me." He said to me almost ordering me to come on a date with him.

"Thanks for the offer, but no I don't want to." I said to him calmly. He grabbed me by the wrist. "Did you just say no to me." He said with a growl and giving me a death glare. "Unhand her flame." Lucas said. "What are you going to do if I don't? Hit me with a aura sphere? Oh how scary." Flame taunted and I had just about enough of him. "Unhand me he said!" I said in a really stern voice. "Oh and what will you do little girl? Slap me?" He asked in an annoying voice and his followers laughed.

"No." I said and my eyes glowed red and blue aura illuminated me. I can tell I scared flame because he ran. I looked to the others after the glow faded and they looked shocked but not scared. I was grateful for that.

-------after school------
"Aura do you have a place to stay?" Lucas asked me. "No but I'll find a place close by." I told him. "You can come and stay with us in a home we made for all us. You seem cool enough." Night said. "Yeah that's a wonderful idea night." Kara said to him. "Alright, if you guys don mind I'll come." I told them.

"No we don't mind at all." They all told me at the same time. I followed them to their home. It was much bigger then I expected. When I walked in the place was just amazing. "Wow." I said in amazement. "Cool digs huh?" Night asked. "Yes it is" I said. "Thank you guys so much for all this." I said with a smile. "No problem. Your our new friend now." Rose told me and the others nodded.

That day was the beginning of a new start. Little did I know that day would begin a whole new adventure.

Thanks to those who read this. I know it's not that great but I promise it will get better.

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