chapter 21: flight of evil

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Aura pov
I hadn't spoken to any of them all day. Knowing what is to come I just don't know what to do. All I can think about is the guy who killed my parents when I was just a baby riolu. He's going to be the same reason I lose the one I've fallen in love with.

The sun of this day was beginning to set. It will be only eleven days until it comes true. In the distance we seen the volcano where we had fought heatran and behind us was the temple. "Guys lets rest." Flare said and everyone nodded, even me.

We laid out in the grassy meadow. We looked up at the stars. I could tell no one was tired. "What's a your memory from long ago you guys enjoyed?" Flare asked. "Mine was when I was a fennekin. It was the first time I used my power and my parents had a playful battle with me. It was such an enjoyable day, but I haven't seen them for a couple of years sense I've been at pokehigh." Flare told us.

A soft smile came upon me as I heard the story. What was it like having a family? I wondered to myself. I then seen her expression turn a little sad. "Mine was with my sister blitz. She was older than me and mom and dad would always be somewhere so she'd take care of me. I found my first ability when playing with her one day when I was a torchic. I haven't seen her sense she moved away" Blaze told us. I bet it was lovely having a sister. Even his expression turned sad.

"Mine was when mine was just being with my best friend which was an vulpix." Night said. I wondered why everyone's expressions were turning sad. "I didn't really have a good memory until I came to pokehigh." Kara had sad, sadness falling upon her. I looked around the group as everyone seemed to turn sad. Did something bad happen in each one of their past? I questioned myself.

Up above purple glitter scattered the sky in a trail. We then seen the legendary pokemon ho-oh. It was black and purple, there was no doubt it was evil. "Look!" Rose gasped, placing her hand up at ho-oh. Other bird pokemon flew around him. "I'll teleport us up there." Rose added.

She teleported us up there and we appeared on the birds that flyed beside ho-oh. "This is awesome!" Blade cheered as he spread his arms out. "I never knew flying was so awesome!" Blaze had then attacked with a fire blast. Ho-oh screeched and batted its wings at us, trying to knock us off the birds.

It used some kind of beam at us and we jumped from the birds we were on to others. I blasted a large aura sphere at it, which it stopped with a tornado like power. Flare used fire shards she could make. Ho-oh used a large gust of wind and reflected them.

We once again jumped to different birds sense the shards were coming at all of us. As I jumped over ho-oh I spun and made an aura tornado come down on him. Rose used her petal wind to make ho-oh lose balance in flying, the lucas came, and used his dark pulse to knock ho-oh to the ground.

Rose lowered us down to the ground where ho-oh was with her flight power. Ho-oh shook his head as he got up his eyes red, but not glowing. It flew off into the night sky along with the other birds.

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