chapter 22: hidden

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Aura pov
After the battle with ho-oh we had fallen asleep. I had that dream of the future again. I woke up, crying and shaking my head. "How do you tell someone their going to die?" I questioned myself as I wiped the tears out of my eyes. I sighed as I watched the others continue to sleep. "Darkrai had warned me to find my power, but I haven't. I must leave on my own soon.

The others had begun to stir and wake. "Mornin aura!" Lucas said to me with a smile. I tried to smile as I nodded.
I seen lucas, then frown. On the inside I sighed. "What do you guys think our next legendary will be?" Flare asked.

I seen everyone shrug. The only pokemon that I can think of are dialgia, palkia, garitina, and arceus. I don't think we'd be fighting them yet. "Lets just walk. We always stumble upon one that way." Blaze told us and everyone nodded. Far away in the distance were mountains. Blaze walked that way having a feeling there'd be pokemon there. We haven't gone that way yet.

We walked for what I think was a good hour until we cam to the bottom of the mountain. "Maybe if we climb up we can get a better look around." Blade suggested and went to climb the mountain. All the sudden he sank through the side of the mountain. We all gasped in surprise and went up to see what happen.

All the sudden we fell through the side of the mountain like blade did. We hit soft, solid ground and groaned. Looking around I realized we had fallen into a secret place. Something had created that illusion of a mountain so no one could find this place.

"This place is marvelous." Rose had said in awe. I had to admit this was the most beautiful place I've seen. The grass shined with dew in beauty. Light blue and other different color flowers I haven't ever seen covered the place. Wonderful trees, some looking silver, sparkled in the light like the grass.

In the distance within some of the trees a shape flee past quickly. We walked toward the area where it flew to find out what pokemon it was. When we had caught up with it we seen a latios and latais. More legendary pokemon. They must be the ones who created that barrier. One thing that was strange, they weren't evil.

I walked out from the trees we were behind to the clearing the two were in. Latais flew behind latios. The blue and white pokemon glared at me, then a small pink orb was flying at me. I used and aura sphere and the two orbs exploded.

"We're not enemy's were here to help you. We thought the person that turned all the legendary pokemon evil also did it to you guys." Lucas said, rushing out with the others. "They no of the bad people. It's the legendary eight. We need their help." Latais said to latios. He gave her a strange look, but nodded.

"We do need your help. This person you speak of is coming for us. We're the last legendaries he has to turn evil." Latais said, flying in front of us. "We'll help." Lucas said and I smiled slightly.

For the whole day nothing had happened and the sky was growing dark. The whole day everyone had been training with each other. I could tell because of this everyone was tired. I had been hiding from everyone that whole day. Up in a tree is where I stayed.

I had become so depressed I didn't know if I could even talk again. The moon had risen in the sky when everyone had settled down and were sleeping. "Aura." I heard a voice say. I looked to my side to see latais flying up. "What's wrong why have you been avoiding everyone?"

I shook my head and stared down as she laid on a branch beside me. "Please at least let me know why you aren't speaking." She said. "You shouldn't be avoiding your friends." I continued to stare down. "I know something bad to come. I'm blocking myself away from everything, wanting to avoid it." I told her, finally finding my voice.

"What is this bad thing?" She asked. "Lucas." I began to get chocked up already. "The one I love is to die in nine days when we fight the person in the final battle." I told her. "I lost my parents to this person when I was just a baby riolu. I don't want to lose my crush!" I wailed.

"All good things come and go, like the rising of a new day and then of a new day." Latais told me. I didn't say anything back. "Princess aura you may not have hope now, but you will have more hope and faith than what you think you'll have in the end. You can't let it end the way you think." She floated down to latios.

I jumped down and slept beside lucas. In the middle of the night I, along with the others woke up startled. We seen someone in the shadows throw out dark pokeballs and the pokeballs got latios and latais. The two pokemon turned dark quickly. The others woke and got ready to fight.

The guy had left so quickly he wasn't even seen. Both latios and latais blasted pink light energy at us. "Lava gleam now!" I ordered to blaze, realizing if I shielded us that power could break trough. I knew of this power he had. He used it making a lava shield.

"Flare fire rain." I ordered. She had a bright smile on her face and did the power. Fire flew down from a cloud and hit the pokemon. A smoke cloud came up around the pokemon. "All together now!" Everyone blasted their power at them and knocked them out.

The two pokemon flew into a tree then they fainted. I got a hug from flare. "I'm happy your talking again." She happily said and I seen lucas smile. Latais and latios woke up. "Thanks you guys but couldn't you have been any easier?" Latais asked while latios said nothing.

"Be happy your good now, again." Rose said. It was still late at night. "You should all go back to bed. I understand it takes a lot of power and energy when you guys fight." She told us and everyone seemed up to it.

I stayed up again. Even latios and latais had also fallen asleep. I sighed and got up to leave. I may have been talking now, but I had to leave. I walked out of the hidden place, then heard footsteps behind me. "Aura."

I placed my paw over my mouth. It was lucas I didn't want him to know I was leaving. "Where are you going?" I turned around at the question. "I..." I couldn't find the words. "Don't you want to be with your friends anymore? Don't you care about us anymore? Don't you care about me anymore?" How could he ask that, of course I cared about him.

"I care about you lucas I care about you all." I desperately said hoping he'd leave all this alone. "Then why leave when your needed the most? Your the glue that holds us together. We need you aura. You can't turn your back on us when the battle is near." With those words I didn't know what to do. "Lucas I don't want to be around you guys any longer." I finally said almost crying.

He flinched at what I said and I seen the pain in his eyes. "Fine if you don't love me then go!" He yelled and my ears went back. "Lucas it's-" he cut me off. "No, just go!" He yelled. "Lucas I'm leaving to save your life!" I screamed, not meaning for it to happen. It got his attention though. "What?" I had begun to cry now.

"T-the day of the final b-battle your k-killed!" I sobbed/yelled at him. "I rather die then hear you don't want to be with us any longer." His tone was full of anger. "I'm saving your life." I told him, but he didn't listen. "Goodbye aura I don't ever want to see you." He growled and went into the hidden forest again.

I told myself it's for the best and left. I was extremely sad, but I listen to something I was told in my mind. "Hello aura." A voice from the shadows said and all went black.

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