chapter 25: a dark time

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Aura pov
As we walked their was a loud explosion and a ripple of a loud sound through the sky. We all fell to the ground as it shook. "What was that?" Flare asked looking around. "I'm not sure." I replied, getting up. Far in the distance we seen a tower and above it a dark blue portal opened. A blue pokemon with white plates on its back came floating out.

"The legendary pokemon of time-" night began to say I awe. "Dialga." I gasped. A beam charged up at its mouth and it blasted it all around the tower, destroying anything in its path. This power was known as roar of time. This legendary then flew away, farther from them.

"Who's ready for our next legendary battle?" Blade asked as he ran after it. We followed him and by late evening we made it to the area dialga was. We could see crushed trees of the woods and a destroyed town past that. In the destroyed town we could see blue light coming from it.

Dialga was there. One of the legendary god pokemon as I've heard many refer to them as. We raced to the town as fast as we can. When we skidded to a halt, getting to the edge of the town. The pokemon who lived there were injured and many were trapped under rubble of the buildings.

"Kara, night, blade." I want you three to help the pokemon of this town. I'll be helping to. The rest battle dialga please." I told them. Everyone nodded and rushed to what they had to do. Rose flew up by dialga's head and blasted him with a magical flower orb. Dialga roared at her and aimed a blast of roar of time at her.

Rose dodged the move. Below I helped the pokemon out of the rubble along with the others. Night used his shadow power which made the shadows move the rubble away. The pokemon fled from the town. A small charmander was running out, but a pulse came at it.

I ran quickly blocking the pulse, using a reflective shield. The pulse was reflected back, hitting dialga and the charmader ran off. After all the pokemon evacuated the town all eight of us began fighting dialga. Rose aimed another attack at dialga, but dialga used dragon breath on her and she fell out of the sky.

Blade ran and caught her before she hit the ground. "Are you okay?" He asked her, helping her to stand. She stumbled and he held onto her. "Get out of the way. Rest we can fight dialga." Blade, calmly told her, but she refused. "No I'm fine." She flew up again saying that.

I seen blade shake his head at the way she acted. He then went back to fighting. Her slashed at dialga's legs with his blade power and dialga lost his balance. Dialga was about fall toward us. "Everyone out of the way!" I quickly said. As they ran night held dialga up the best he could so the others could run.

He let go and I gasped when I seen dialga fall on him. I ran over to him and seen he made it out. He must have rolled out before dialga fell. He got up shaking his head. "That was a close call." He said dialga got up, then backed away. I backed away as well and blasted dialga with a new power known as aura flame.

Dialga roared and turned his attention to me. Lucas got on dialga's back and used aura pulse. Dialga stumbled and threw lucas off his back. He, then hit the others with his tail. I winced as lucas hit the ground. He seemed to be forcing himself up. I used another power known as dark aura and trapped dialga in dark aura for a moment.

The others got up seeming they were forcing themselves to. Dialga broke out of the dark aura and blasted me with roar in time. I flew back into the rubble. I stumbled up, hurting and see flare get blasted by ancient power. She flew back a distance from the attack. She didn't get up though. "Flare!" Blaze ran to her.

I looked to lucas. "Together." I told him and he knew what I meant. We both jumped up onto dialga and used aura pulse. From the side Kara, also used dark pulse to help us out. Dialga fell to the ground unconscious. I ran over to flare with lucas. "She's breathing, but she's badly injured." Blaze informed us.

Behind us dialga rose to his feet and stared at us. He roared at us, then flew into the sky. We watched as he went to that tower and the portal opened again. Dialga went into the portal and this battle was over. I looked to blaze. "Grab flare we have to get her healed." I told him and he picked her up.

We left the destroyed town to get help for flare. I hoped we could before our next battle, or before she doesn't wake up. Forever.

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