chapter 8: darkness under the water

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Aura pov
After everything that happened during the fight with the legendary weather pokemon I was happy to leave behind me. I never wanted to go back to that area again. We walked away from the town and came to an open grassland. "So where's our next place?" Night asked. "We haven't been to jonto yet. We could find a legendary there." Rose told him.

"Jonto it is." I told them and we headed north of hoenn. We walked for many hours and the sun began to set. We should rest for the night." Flare said to everyone. "Agreed." They all said and laid in the soft grassland grass. They were so tired from all that had happened. All of them began to fall asleep and I laid down. I thought of what happened earlier, and I was afraid for my friends.

I soon fell asleep and morning came around quickly. We woke early that morning to the feel of wetness. I jerked awake and looked around. "What in the pokemon world happened?!" I exclaimed as I looked around. The grassland was flooded in water and all you could see was water for miles. We got up all soaking wet and dripping.

Not much further up north we stopped on a hill that was already covered in water. "Look." Rose said pointing to the vast endless water. We all gasped when we seen a couple of buildings sticking out of the water. "Jonto it's flooded. Completely underwater." I told them while still in surprise with what was happening.

We then seen a dark purple shape move to the surface of the water. Out of it came the legendary pokemon lugia. It hovered in the air and just looked at us. It's red eyes stared and then it charged up an attack. It used whirlpool and a hurricane of water came at us. Me, flare, and blaze used our fire power and made a large fire cloud. The fire made the water turn to steam when it hit it.

Lugia then went back into the water and didn't bother coming back out. "Now how are we suppose to fight it?" Night asked. "We go underwater." I told them. "There's only one problem with that aura. None of us can breathe under water." Flare told him. "But I can split my power to breathe under water between us all." I explained to them.

"Me, and kara can't swim though." Night told me. "Well you guys can hold onto one of us until you get the hang off it." I told them. The two of them didn't look to happy about that, but they nodded saying it's fine. "Alright, ready?" I asked them. "Yeah." They all responded and I split my power to breathe under water among us.

We then walked to the shore and jumped in. While in the water kara grabbed a hold of rose and night grabbed a hold of blaze. Everything looked so peaceful down here. Many fish pokemon swam around. From in a large cave we seen red eyes. We thought it might be lugia but then more red eyes came around it. One sharkpedo came out then several more.

"Swim!" I yelled even though it was hard for any to understand under the water they still swam. We ended up swimming to a rock wall and with the sharpedo's right behind us. Some stayed back but others cane at us trying to get us in one bit. We kept dodging and moving out of the way. I then felt a sharp pain in my leg and looked down. Red liquid was spreading from it and a sharpedo sunk its teeth into it.

I used bullet punch on the sharpedo to get it off. I only made it worse because when it got off its teeth sliced through my leg. My leg had a large wound on it now and I could barely move it. As blood weld up around me lucas came over. "Aura are you okay?" He asked me after seeing all the blood. "I'm fine my leg just got bit." I explained to him.

The sharpedo's continued to come toward us. Blade then began to charge up shock wave." No, no, no, no!" We tried saying through the water as he continued to charge it up. Then he finally used it and all around got shocked. The sharpedo's and us. I felt even worse pain in my leg and all over then everything went black.

When I opened my eyes I seen we were still floating in the water but are now in another area. This place is brighter and has more life. Also from what I could see no sharpedo's. Some of the others gained conceince and were waking the others. When everyone was finally awake my aura tracked where lugia is. "Follow." I tried saying trough the water, but it was muffled.

I swam off in the way of the aura and the others followed. In time as we swam we ended up swimming into a strong water current. My leg began to hurt worse as we were being thrashed around. I then got an idea. "Rose use your mind power. You said you can control others with your mind so use it and get us out of here." I told her and she did. We all froze in our movements and with her mind rose brought us all out including herself.

"Smart thinking." She mumbled to me through the water. I used my aura to finds lugia again and it turned out the current moved us closer. "Hey guys were closer to lugia I sense him down in that cave." I told them all and we began to swim down slowly. The place I sensed him in was none other then the jonto city. We swam into the city and soon seen lugia right in the middle of it.

Lugia seen us and used dragon pulse. We all moved out of the way and I did the best I could with my leg. Blade began hitting it with slashes of energy and other sword attacks. Lucas was hitting it with aura shards and aura blades which it didn't like. It then used ice beam freezing blaze and night in it. Kara mega evolved and used night slash that knocked lugia back.

I swam down and used my fire power to melt the ice that froze blaze and night the best I could. They then broke free. They both used their powers together and made a firey shadow consume lugia. Lugia broke free of it and kara created a large shadow ball hitting it with it. Flare used some of he physic power on it.

Lugia then used aqua tail and it hit me. I flew back into a building with a loud thud. Everything hurt but I told myself "aura you won't he useless like the last time you'll help you friends." I then got up and hit lugia with a mega aura blast. Lugia went flying into a rock wall and rocks tumbled down on it. We swam over to it and seen its back to its white color.

Lugia then began to stir. Lugia knocked the rocks off of it and got up. We knew lugia was back to normal so we swam up and back over to the shore. We began climbing up on shore then turned around when we heard a splash in the water. Lugia flew out and began to bring the flooded water back to the ocean. In time the ocean was back to normal and you could see the city of jonto.

When I climbed out I fell. Lucas grabbed me and let me lean on him. I looked down at my leg. My leg was so badly wounded you could see my bone. It was hurting so bad that it went numb and I couldn't even feel the pain unless I put pressure on my leg. "That looks bad aura. We need a sitrus berry for the juice to heal it." Blade told me. "Where to we fine one?" I asked. "Not to far I know a forest close by that has them." He said and began to walk off.

I leaned on lucas and followed him. In time we came to one of the most beautiful forest I ever seen. There were berries everywhere and pokemon were everywhere. I felt as if everything was finally at peace. "Here aura sit down." Blade told me as he patted a rock. I carefully sat on the rock trying not to hit my leg on anything. Blade grabbed one of the berries. He then grabbed my leg and I winced at the pain of it being touched. "Sorry." He said as he squeeze the juice from the berry.

I winced and tightened my paw on the rock as my leg began to stink. He placed the juice from three berries on it. He then grabbed three big leaves and put the juice on them. He wrapped my leg up in the leaves and lucas helped me stand again. "That will help heal it but it will be hard to walk or do much till it heals." He told me. "So fighting the legendaries is going to be harder." I said and he nodded.

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