chapter 12: dark melody

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Aura pov
We had all decided to walk east from where we were. As we walked I thought about what darkrai had said. What did he mean by my true power? I wondered. We walked into an area where many pokemon should of been, but none were there. "Where are all the pokemon?" Rose asked. In the distance a hurd of ryhorn came charging at us. They were a different color though I believed they were dark.

We ran out of the way of the hurd and continued to walk without them following us. After a while we heard this beautiful sing and fell into a trance. I looked back at the others and asked "where did that come from?" I seen flare and her fur was different colors. She looked to be dark. "Flare?" I asked. She used Will O' Whisper on us. We ran as some of us were on fire. I used my water power and splashed the ones that were on fire.

"Great now my girlfriend is dark!" Blaze screamed with anger. "Calm down there has to be a reason for this." I said to him then heard the singing again. Once again feeling as if I was in a trance I closed my eyes and relaxed to the singing. When it had finished and I opened my eyes I seen blaze was now dark. He cracked the ground open and spewed lava at us as flare came. We ran and hid up in a couple trees that scattered the area.

"Aura what do we do now?" Night asked me. "Continue moving forward. When we get to a certain area we'll fight him." I told him. Flare and blaze were nowhere to be seen so we all moved down out of the tree and continued to move forward. As we moved farther forward we heard the singing again and it sounded louder then the last two times. After hearing it I got hit by nightdaze and went flying.

"Ah!" I screamed as I hit the ground. I looked up and over me stood night. His eyes were glowing red and he raised his paw to use shadow claw while around me shadows came. I raised both my hands up toward him and blasted him with water. I got up and ran a little from him. From the air I got blasted with energy. I seen rose up in the air. Her eyes were glowing red and her dress was black.

I threw a fire ball at her hitting her and knocking her out of the air. To my right as I got up blade came at me hitting me with blade slashes. I shocked him with lightning and ran the best I could. I then came across kara and she mega evolved, and hit me with some kind of shadow wave power. I was knocked into a rock and I groaned. As she drew closer to me I used my ice power and froze her.

I then got up stumbling a bit but ran. Flare and blaze then came blocking my way. Flare knocked me to the ground using inferno and blaze trapped me in a dome of fire. It was burning hot and trough the fire I was able to see the others surround me. I blasted the fire dome with water and broke it. I stood ready for a battle as they all used a power on me.

Flare fired several fire balls at me, blaze made a wave of lava come, kara used nightdaze, night made shadow spikes come at me, blade made leaf daggers come at me, and lastly rose fired slashes of light at me from above. I wasn't able to block myself from all of the attacks and just when I thought I would be hit lucas came and created an aura shield around me.

The shield then exploded in a way and hit the six around us. Lucas grabbed me and took me to a hidden cave. "You okay?" He asked me. "Mostly." I replied as I looked around for the others making sure they weren't in sight. "I believe it's the singing that turned them like this. Every time the singing came one turned evil, but then when it was the loudest mostly everyone went evil." I told him. "Your right." He agreed.

Close by I heard the singing again. It didn't seem to bother me and I couldn't figure out why. Then I noticed lucas was struggling as his eyes flashed from orange to red. They continued to do that till his fur began turn black then they stayed at red. "Lucas don't listen to the melody." I told him dodging and aura blast her tried hitting me with.

The melody continued as I made it out of the cave and back out into the clearing. There I seen a dark meloletta singing. As she sang the others came and it seemed through the singing she gave commands. Lucas made swords out of aura and swung them at me. First swing barely hit my chest which I was lucky for. The second just missed me as he tried bring them down on me.

Blaze came at me with fire all around him trying to hit me. I dodged and did a flip back. Then I jumped into the air and usd hydro pump on him. This put the flames out around him. Night tried hitting me with several shadow arrows. One scrapped my arm leaving a deep cut in it. I shocked him with lightning making him freeze in his position. Kara was using her regular zoroark attacks on me when I used force palm on her and knocked her back.

Flare came over and tried using her regular fire power on me. I used nature power went grab at her with vines, but she burned them. I used water to put her fire out then grabbed her with vines that weren't burned. I also grabbed rose from up in there air with a vine and threw her. Blade hit me on the black with one of his blades. I kicked him away as I got up and fired ice shards at him. I cut him a bit but he continued to fight.

I used the power of wind and blew him back. All were down except for lucas. Meloletta came down from up in the air where she was singing and began attacking me along with lucas. I dodged lucas attack but then got hit by the attack meloletta threw at me. "Aura storm!" I yelled as a tornado of aura formed around me. A blast of aura came from me as the tornado left. It blasted everyone away from me and knocked meloletta out.

When meloletta awoke she was back to her good self and the others were back to normal. "Forgive me aura if I turned your friends against you, and to her friends sorry for turning you guys evil." Meloletta also known as melody apologised. "It's fine." We all told her. "Someone just remind me never to get on aura's bad side." Night added.

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