chapter 19: fire

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Flare pov
Early in the morning when we all woke I seen aura was still sleeping. I walked over to her and shook her shoulder. "Wake up aura." I gently said as I seen she was shaking almost like she was having a nightmare. When she woke she shot right up. I seen her face stained with tears, but I didn't bother asking her what was wrong, she'd talk when she'd wish.

I walked over to the others as she pulled herself together. "Which way is it out of here?" Blaze asked. "Close by is an area that leads out of here. It's not the way we came." Aura said as she walked up to me. She looked like nothing had happened.

"Lead the way then!" I cheerfully said. She walked the way she knew an exit was and we followed. As we walked out it felt nice to feel the warmth off the sun on my fur. One thing it felt to warm and I'm a fire type saying that. Looking to my side I seen a volcano.

"The legendary fire mountain." Blaze said staring at it seeming amazed. The ground around us rumbled and we stumbled or fell to the ground. It was loud so I assumed it was because of the volcano. After it stopped we regain our balance and stared at the volcano again.

"I thought the volcano is suppose to be silent now. I thought it wasn't suppose to erupt anymore." I said as I stared at it, getting a suspicious feeling. "It would be smart to check it out. I've heard if that volcano erupts it can destroy several distance of the region. It would be a great danger for the pokemon." I heard blade say behind me.

"There's a dark aura detected." I then heard aura say. We all exchanged unsure glances with each other, but we began walking toward the volcano. This is going to be one of the most dangerous battles we've done. It's not because of the pokemon, hut the fact we'll be standing in a volcano with lava below us.

As we grew closer to the volcano the ground became hotter and the ground began to smoke. Up the side of the volcano was and opening. It wasn't to far up, but a good distance. We climbed up slowly and climbed into the entrance. "This is a little to not even for a fire type." Blaze complained. I agreed I didn't like it, neither did the others.

Once was walked a distance in on a platform of solid rock lava orbs came flying at us. Blaze stepped in front of us and grabbed each one in his hands as they flew at us. I forgot that his power of lava will let him touch lava. He threw the orbs back the way they came from.

We heard a screech as they hit the wall. Where they hit the wall something began to move. It jumped on the platform right in front of and screeched. This pokemon was the one known as heatran, the lava spider pokemon. The others got ready to attack, but I stopped them. "Don't touch it! Don't fight it. The attacks will melt and you'll be critically injured!" I warned.

"You mean we got to let blaze attack this pokemon alone?" Kara asked with concern in her voice for her friend. I nodded not liking the idea either, but I had to have trust and faith in the one that I love. The spider charged up a lava blast and shot it at blaze. The lava came around blaze like an orb and he took control over it.

He blasted it back at heatran which jumped to the roof of the volcano. Another violent shake came like before which caused rocks from the roof to fall and the lava below to move up higher and bubble. We began blasting the rocks with our powers so they wouldn't crush us.

The ground of the platform below crumbled where I was and I fell down toward the lava. I screamed loud as I fell terrified. I felt arms wrap around me and I opened my eyes. "Blaze." I gasped. We plummeted into the lava as and orange lava like shield formed around him. In a short time he made a staircase of lava and carried me up back to solid ground.

I gasped when I seen heatran confronting our friends. Aura had created a shield with lucas out of aura yo block a lava blast. Because of the heat of the lava the shield was quickly failing. I noticed a rock above heatran and hit it with my stick that turned into a fire whip. The rock crashed down on heatran knocking him unconscious.

When it opened its eyes they were still red but didn't glow. It looked at us, then turned and jumped deeper into the volcano. All around began to calm and the volcano calmed down. We left the volcano and I gave blaze a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thanks for saving me."

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