chapter 17: death

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Aura pov
The four sword of justice pokemon brought us to another forest the was quite beautiful. "Be careful." Cobalion said once again to us as him and the other swords of justice walked away. We walked into the forest. It was so amazing and beautiful. "What pokemon could be here that's evil?" I asked myself aloud. "I'm not sure." Lucas said when he heard the question.

As we walked into the forest it began to get really dark with little light. "Flare, blaze-" they cut me off from my sentence. "We're on it." They both said. Flare made her stick light with fire, and blaze created a ball of fire in his hand. Sense I had all abilities I created a fire ball in my hand as well. The forest was glumy. As we were walking sense it was still quite dark well all fell into a pit.

"You guys okay?" I asked, getting up after we hit the ground. I then lit my hand with the fire again. I seen the other which all seemed to be fine. When blaze, and flare lit their fire the area was more visible. "Woe this is a large pit." Kara said. I looked to the ground feeling something wet. "Filled with water ad well." I added to what she said.

On the ground under the little bit of water was cracked. I gasped when I noticed something strange was happening. The cracks were glowing red. "Rose can you get us out of here?" I asked her, then I noticed she was already flying us out. "I was able to tell we needed out from reading your mind." She told me, placing us on the ground out of the pit.

We all looked down in the pit. The ground was glowing reder. All the sudden the ground began to shake, and the pit ground was glowing all red. "Run." I told them and we all ran a distance away from the pit. There was a loud noise of the ground exploding, and we all fell to the ground as pieces of rock fell around us.

When all the rocks stopped falling we all looked up and seen the legendary pokemon of death. "Yveltal." Kara said staring at him. "I thought the story of him and xerxeas was only a myth." Blade told us. Yeveltal screeched and in the center of his body a red light began to glow. "Myth or not we better get out of here. That's oblivion wing, and will turn all to stone." Rose quickly stated, and we ran back to the entrance of the forest as fast as we could.

Yeveltal, using oblivion wing, turned the whole forest to stone. We all made it to a safe pathway right outside of the forest when the power didn't travel. Up above us we heard a screech, and once again yveltal was there. Instead of using oblivion wing he flew down, swift, and quickly toward us.

As he neared us and the ground, he pulled up. A gust of wind came from him, knocking is in different directions. Rose, and blaze were flung into trees by the wind. Lucas and night were pushed into a small pond nearby. Flare, kara, and blade were just pushed of to the side, while I, was pushed toward a nearby cliff.

I went to grab onto a rock, but it scraped my arm, and I couldn't grip it. I tumbled off the cliff, but to my luck, I was caught by rose, who was using her flight power. She placed me on the ground then smirked. "Watch this." Were two words she said before she raced up into the air to yveltal. While next to him she made a tornado with petals knocking yveltal to the ground.

After yveltal was hit to the ground we began attacking. Kara mega evolved, she used what I thought would be night daze, but it turned out being a daze of fire. Yveltal screeched as the flames flared on him. He knocked us all away from him. He flew up, extinguishing the flames.

I looked around and noticed lucas wasn't around. Where was he? From a tree nearby I seen a red figure jump out and land directly on yveltals back. This figure was lucas. "Aura pulse." His voice growled and a light blue light came from his paw that was on yveltal.

Yveltal plummeted to the ground with a loud thud. Lucas landed from the air on his feet. Aura pulse, fire daze, a rose petal tornado? Sense when have they gotten new powers? I looked to yveltal as I thought this, and realized he was unconscious. In a little he began to stir, his eyes glowed a light blue instead of red.

We received a screech from him as the land around us turned back to life. It was no longer stone. I gave a smile and approving look to my friends ad yveltal flew away. What would our next legendary be? When will our journey come to an end? How will our journey come to an end?

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