chapter 24: lost hope

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Aura pov
Four days have passed. We haven't come across any other legendaries as we left this area. We had come to a new region. I had been depressed, knowing what's to come but I haven't stopped talking again. Lucas was right, I have to stick with them when our battle is drawing near.

"Look at all of you. Things seem well don't they?" I heard a voice say and all the others looked around for whose talking. I recognized this voice thought. "Who are you? Where are you?" Lucas asked. In my mind it seem I heard the answer.

"Ask the lucario who knows his days are coming to an end." The voice said in what I was now thinking my mind. I could tell the others could hear it too. "Your the one that turned me dark!" I barked. "Guilty I am. Nemesis has come. I took your power when I turned you evil, just like I'm doing with all the legendaries." He said then darkness came all around us.

Our surroundings turned into a cavern. "If I can't have aura destroy her friends I'll have you all trapped here. Good luck getting out." We all heard him menacingly laugh.

Everything around us was dark and it was nothing but tunnels all around. "W-what happened?" Flare asked shocked by what was happening. "How can he do that?!" Blade asked, sounding as suprised as flare was.

I blasted the rocks with my aura power and nothing happened. Blaze lit his hand and threw fire down the tunnel. "Let's continue to walk. We may find a way out." He said, walking down the tunnel. We followed him not knowing where it would lead.

Tunnel after tunnel we travel in, but their was no way out. I began to think what I've been told an seen was a lie. We weren't going to make it out of here. "Were never going to make it! We're never going to help the legendaries and never stop that nemesis person! The whole world is going to turn dark and evil!" I yell angry and feeling as if I failed.

"Never lose hope. It's the most important thing in life." Flare said to me. I shook my head. "No. How can I have hope when the darkness encloses and our days grow short? There's no hope, there's no faith. It's over the end us near." I told her.

I then understood what she said. "Yeah your right. We'll find a way out soon." We continued to walk and the the beginning where we first started there was a door. We opened it and it lead out. "See you just need hope." Flare said.

[A/N] sorry about the bad chapter.

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