chapter 11: nightmare and a bad dream

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Kara pov
As we came to the edge of the forest the sun was on the horizon setting. After we got into a meadow with tall flowers and tall grass we decided we should rest. Stars scattered across the sky and the moon shone full with light. I could tell all thought this would be a good and wonderful night to rest. We were all wrong though.

I closed my eyes and drifted off into a sleep as did the others. My eyes fluttered open and it was day. Around me the others were nowhere to be seen. I decided to get up and walk around. The sun felt wonderful on my fur as I walked. All the sudden it began to rain and the sky grew black. In the distance I was able to see humans running at me. As they got closer I realized they were hunters.

I gasped and ran the other direction as fast as I could. "Get that wolf. Kill it!" I heard one of them yell as I ran. This brought back memories to me of when I lost my mother. It was a late summer evening the air was going crisp with fall near. My mother ran fast with me in her hair. People behind her were yelling. She came to a large bush area and took me out of her hair. I was only a zorua at the time. She placed me in the bushes and told me "kara I'll be back for you soon." She then ran off. The people ran past and I heard a loud bang. That was the last time I seen my mother.

I began thinking this was real as I continued to run. I then felt a pain in my arm and fell. I was shot in the arm and couldn't run anymore. At least not on all fours. As the human was getting ready to end me I noticed small details around me. The plants that were growing around me were plants that can't grow in that area, and the grass of the meadow was not that tall unlike the one I was in when I fell asleep. "This is only a dream, a bad dream, a nightmare." I said to myself.

I closed my eyes again and opened them. I was back in the meadow I originally fell asleep in. It was still night and the others were still around me sleeping. I decided that I should stay up the rest of the night after that.

Flare pov
It was extremely hot around me. I opened my eyes to the surrounding of lava and a volcano. I laid on a ledge in a volcano over lava. I may be a fire type but I've never liked lava. I stood up and as I did there was a rumble. The ground underneath me crumbled and I began to fall toward the lava.

I felt my body hit something hard and I seen I landed on another rock ledge. I wasn't to far up from where the lava was and seen it was rising fast. There was another rumble as I tried climbing up the rocks that were in the volcano. The ground shook more violently and a large boulder above me fell. I jumped side ways and grabbed the edge of another rock.

I dangled over the lava. I pulled myself up quickly and climbed to the entrance of the volcano. I climbed out and jumped onto the rock. There was a loud explosion as ash filled the air and rocks came flying out of the volcano. I looked behind me and seen lava pouring out of the side of the volcano where the entrance was.

I ran away from the area but then the rock underneath me crumbled and I fell toward the lava. Before I hit it I remembered that before I appeared here I wax sleeping in a meadow with all my friends. "This is only a nightmare." I told myself. I closed my eyes and opened them. I seen the stars above me along with the moon.

I looked around and seen all my friends. I seen kara was up sitting and not sleeping. "You okay?" I asked her. "I had a horrible dream so I decided not to go back to sleep." She replied. "I did too." I got up and walked over to her then sat down. "I'll stay up with you." I put my arm around her to comfort her. "Thanks." She told me with a smile.

Night pov
I found myself sitting on a small patch of land in the middle of nowhere surrounded by water. I was scared of water knowing that I couldn't swim. Slowly the waves of the water were coming closer to me. I seen a couple of plants and trees around me. I quickly got to work on an idea I had.

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