chapter 7: storm

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Aura pov
After flare got blaze back to normal we headed toward the hoenn region. As we were walking a delcatty came running more like limping to us. "Help!" She called out. "What's wrong?" I asked her when she got to me. "T-the legendary w-weather pokemon are d-destroying hoenn!" She explained with fear in her voice. "It's okay we'll help." I told her as I used heal pulse to heal her.

"But you guys could get killed!" She yelled still with fear in her voice. "We'll be fine we've turned other legendary pokemon back to good." Night told her. "Wait your the eight the whole pokemon world is talking about." She said now with surprise in her voice. "Wow word spreads that quickly." Blade said. "Come on guys." I said and began to run toward hoenn.

With in a little time we got there an were suprised by what we seen. Part of the town was flooded and in that area we seen the legendary pokemon kyogre in its primal form. Another part of the town was covered in lava and completely destroyed. In that area stood groudon in its primal form. Up in the sky we heard a roar and looked up. We seen rayquaza in its mega form. This was the worst we seen yet.

We stood in part of the town that was still fine. "We're splitting up again aren't we aura?" Blaze asked me. "Yes." I replied as I was thinking on who should fight who. "It's not good to split up nor to stay together in this fight." I thought. "Rose, blade, flare, and blaze take rayquaza. Kara, night take kyogre, and me and lucas will take groudon." I told them. They nodded and got to it.

"You ready aura?" Lucas asked as he walked toward groudon. Groudon must have seen us because a fired lava at us. "Get down!" I yelled to lucas and lunged myself at him to get him out of the way. The lava then landed behind us. "Thanks aura." Lucas told me. We then ran to where groudon was standing in the lava. There were rocks sticking out of the lava, and lucas jumped on one of them.

He held his paw out to me. I grabbed it and jumped onto the rock. We continued to jump on rocks until we got close enough to groudon. I fired aura blast at it and lucas began to use aura shard on it. Nothing was happening. I then fire a lot of water at it and then it noticed us. It moved and that made the lava move. It then spit lava at us. We jumped on the rocks as fast as we could to get away from it.

The lava came in a wave at us after groudon moved. The only way to get away from it was to get to higher ground. There was a cliff that lead into the woods that went very high up that we could climb, but we had short time to. We started to climb on the roots and rocks that stuck out from it. We continued to climb higher and higher. Then the lava crashed into the cliff.

I made it to the top and looked down. I seen lucas holding onto a root, and couldn't get a grip on anything else. I could tell he would fall or let go any minute which would lead him to falling in the lava. I also noticed groudon moving closer, and closer over to the area we were at. I leaned over the edge. "Lucas grab my paw." I told him letting my paw down to him.

He looked up at me as he dangled from the root. "Lucas please." I said with my voice shaking. "Aura you must go groudon is getting close." He said and I seen sadness in his eyes. "Not with out you." I told him reaching my paw down as far as I could. He reached for it, but his paw slipped out of mine. "Try again." I told him and he did, but once again failed.

I kept begging him to try, but it only made it worse. The root dipped down lower and now he couldn't even reach my paw. He tried to grab the rocks, but they were moist and slippery so he only slipped. I looked down at him with tears in my eyes. He looked behind him to see groudon getting even closer. "If you won't leave without me then I'll make it so you'll have to leave without me. There's no hope in getting me out of this situation anyways. Goodbye aura..... I love you." He said and then let go of the root.

"No! Lucas!" I yelled as I seen him fall to the lava. I felt several warm tears fall down my face as I seen him make a splash in the lava. The one I loved and cared about was now gone and I couldn't do anything. I looked up to see groudon approach me, and decided to listen to lucas final wish. I got up the tears still streaming down my face and ran away to look for the others. I had failed to save groudon, and worst of all I lost lucas. I hoped the others hadn't failed as well.

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