chapter 15: beasts of darkness

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Aura pov
The genesect of the army flew us to a really nice forest. They landed on the ground and we got off. "This is where the next legendaries lurk be careful." Red said to me as I got off him and he once again flew off. As the other got off the genesect they were riding on I looked at the forest. "This forest belongs to the three legendary beast pokemon. Entie, rauiku, ans suicune." I mumbled to myself. "What?" Lucas asked walking up to my side. "I remember this forest." I told him.

"From where? How?" Lucas asked. "I'm not sure." I replied and took a step in. The other followed her close behind. As they came future in the leaves covered the sky blocking out most light. From deeper in the shadows a growl was heard. The we looked over to the noise. I the shadows to eyes glowed a crimson red. Out stepped one of the legendary beast pokemon known as rauiku. Lightning blasted from it nearly hitting us. We went to fight it. Lightning once again came from it shocking us.

Most of us fell to the ground, and some fell to one knee. Pain seared through me just as it probably was with the others. "Go. We need to stay away from it at the moment." I told the others and got up. I ran off in the opposite direction with the others close to me. I ran into the cave with the others where rauiku didn't see didn't see us go. "Everyone okay?" I asked. They all nodded.

I walked to the mouth of the cave and looked out. "I need to check something you guys stay here." I ordered. I found raukiu who was walking somewhere. I followed and it lead me right to what I wanted to be led to. I seen where entie and suicune were. This is where we'll fight. I thought. As I went back to get the others I heard small voices and followed them.

I found a misty spring where the voices were coming from. I stepped into the water and it turned a glowing light blue at my touch. Upon the area in front of came a vision. It showed of the final battle against the evil person. In the battle great power came from me destroy many shadow figures around me. Then with this power I destroyed the evil person.

From the water an amulet cane and floated in front of me. I took it in my right paw and looked at it. "When the days grow short and shadow clouds the land into an eternal night and little light is left great power will save the world. A regular pokemon you seem, but on the inside your a legendary find your strength within and there will be no losing. Find your true power and save the pokemon world. Will you let fear take over by the time of the final battle, and fail..." the amulet placed itself around her neck. "Or will you stand strong and do what many fear to do? Queen aura."

Everything stopped when a roar caught her attention. Entie, suicune, and riuaku came running over to her. I took a step back as they walked closer to me. The three of them fired water, fire, and electricity at me. I dodged them and the blast exploded when they hit a rock. Entie blasted powerful fire at me and I created a shield with my one paw, but when I did it only reflected the power back to entie knocking him back.

Out of the trees behind me my seven friends came. "You didn't say you were going to fight all three of them on your own." Lucas said a little angry cause he worried about her. "I didn't say I was because I wasn't planning on it until just now." She told him back.

"Flame sword." Flare jumped at suicune with her fire stick now a sword. She hit suicune in the head with the sword and it stumbled. I used an aura kick on entie knocking him back. Blade attack raikiu along with rose. They were hitting it from every direction. Entie used powerful flamethrower. It went toward me but Kara came and blocked it with a nightdaze. "I got your back." She told me and used night slash on entie knocking him far back.

Blaze help flare fight suicune and soon the knocked her out. Suicune came back to normal and used hydro pump on entie. He was blasted into a rock, but didn't give up. Lucas used his special aura power and created a bow and arrow from aura. He shot several arrows around entie and when they hit the ground they made a blue fire.

Blaze then hit entie with a powerful blaze kick knocking him into a rock again. Entie stayed down this time and when he got back up he was normal. We soon got rauiku back to normal as well. "Three more legendaries back to normal several more to go." Blade said half jokingly

A/n sorry anyone who reads this. I know the past few chapters have been bad. I just haven't been in the mood to make stories, but I'm forcing myself to work on this one. Reason being I really want to start writing the end. Reason for that is I believe the last eight chapters get ready good.

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