chapter: 10 river of Darkness

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Aura pov
The three energy pokemon reshiram, zekrom, and kyurum dropped us off in a forest that was shriveled and looked horrible. I read their aura and it told me the next pokemon we'll fight will be in this forest. After dropping us off they flew away. We walked through the forest looking at how bad it looked. A ninetails came out from a hole in a tree. She ran over to us and asked "are you the eight that have saved the legendaries?" "Yes we are." Flare replied.

"Thank goodness." She said. "Why what's wrong?" Rose asked. "This forest we stand in was once beautiful. It was kept healthy by the three legendary river pokemon azelf, uxie, and mespirit, but when all the legendaries turned evil this forest became like this." She explained to us. "Don't worry we'll get the forest back to normal by battling them." Flare told her.

"They ain't far from here. Their at the spring in the middle of the forest." The ninetails told us. The eight of us went to the spring in the middle of the forest. There it was the worst part of the whole forest. Over the water of the spring we seen three pokemon that looked the same, but were a little different. One was blue, one was pink, and the other was yellow.

We walked a little closer or in my case limped closer. The three legendary pokemon turned and faced us. Their eyes glowed red and came at us. Before we had time to react they used their physic power and made the water of the spring form in a dome around us. We weren't able to walk out of it even though it was water.

I tried blasting through it with lightning. Instead it shocked everyone else. "Well that was shocking." Night said as his hair sparked. "Night no puns now please." Kara said. The three legendary pokemon began surrounding us while we were in the water dome. "I got an idea. Kara get ready to use nightdaze." A blast of ice came from me making the water dome an ice dome. Kara used nightdaze and the dome shattered.

The shattered ice hit azelf, uxie, and mespirit. "Scatter." I told the others and they did. I limped of one way while the others went their own ways. Azelf followed me, uxie, and mespirit went after the others. Azelf caught up to me and blasted energy at me. Lucas came and blocked it from me with an aura sword.

I smiled. "You were cutting that a little close." I told him. I then looked to where azelf was but he wasn't there. I then seen leaves that were as sharp as razors fly at us. I used my fire and burned them. Azelf went to use another attack, but I quickly used my lightning power and shocked him. He fainted and when he opened his eyes he was back to normal. "What happened?" He asked. "The legendaries have turned evil including you." Lucas told him.

Flare pov
I ran when aura told us to scatter mespirit chased after me. Night, kara, and blaze came. Mespirt used physic power and threw night. It knocked kara into a tree, and knocked blaze away. I used flamethrower on it but it blocked with and invisible shield. Blaze came at her with blaze kick knocking her into a tree.

Kara used nightdaze but mespirit knocked it back at her. Night hit her with night slash and she blasted phsbeam at him. I used Will O' Whisper putting her on fire. She spun in a circle and put it out. "Mega aura blast!" I heard one yell and seen Lucas. Aura came up behind him with azelf.

Mespirt eyes turned back to normal as the aura went over her. "Sorry about all that." She told them. They all ran to go find rose, blade, and uxie.

Blade pov
Me and rose were fighting uxie as soon as he caught up to us. I slashed at him while rose kept confusing him for flying in different places. Soon the others came and we defeated uxie no problem. Uxie went back to normal just like the others and the forest went back to its beautiful rich green color with several flowers.

The three legendary pokemon circled each other. "Ahh!" I heard aura scream and she fell on lucas's arm. "M-my leg." She said through gritted teeth. Azelf gasped. "Come with us." Lucas picked aura up and followed the three legendaries. They came to the spring in the center of the forest. "Place her leg in the water." Uxie instructed. Lucas sat her down on the ground and made sure her leg was in the water.

The three legendaries circled the water splashing some kind of light into it and the light spread. When it came to aura's leg her leg glowed and then the was an explosion of light. When the light faded aura got up and her walked over to her friends. She took the leaves that were wrapped around off and the bite was gone her leg was healed.

She smiled at azelf, mespirit, and uxie. "Thank you." She told them. They nodded and then disappear. "This part is done now onto our next legendary." I told them.

A/n hey guys sorry I haven't updated this I just couldn't think of anything for this chapter so it took a while. I will be doing a chapter or two everyday until this story is done unless I can't think of anything for a while or I'm extremely busy.

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