chapter 30: a new beginning

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Aura pov
My eyes widened in horror when I seen something red laying on the ground a little distance away. "Lucas." I gasped and ran to him. I knelt down at his side when I got to him. "Lucas." I shook him, my voice full of panic. "Lucas cone on get up." I said shacking him a little rougher and moved his arm in the process.

His arm laid over his stomach and fell to it's side. A deep wound was on his side. He was hit with one of those dark shards. "P-please get up." I said as tears pricked the corners of my eyes. I shook my head in disbelief and began to cry. Memories of me and lucas came back.

The first time I saw him. The teacher then turned and looked to me and said "you can sit next to lucas that red Lucario." She pointed to him.When I laid my eyes on him my heart felt like it stopped and I realized I must like him.

The first adventure we went on. Aura slash!" I heard one yell. The aura slash hit faith which released aura. Lucas then came out from his hiding place with an aura blade. He had protected me from that attack.

The first time he told me he loved me. "Aura.... it's taken me a while to say this but.... I... I... love you." Were the very words he told me.

Then other memories came back. "T-the day of the final b-battle your k-killed!" I sobbed/yelled at him. "I rather die then hear you don't want to be with us any longer." His tone was full of anger. "I'm saving your life." I told him, but he didn't listen. "Goodbye aura I don't ever want to see you." He growled and went into the hidden forest again. This was our first argument.

Then one last memory came to me. "Aura, I will always be by your side, no matter what. My love for you is strong it won't tear me away from you. I'll stand by your side until the very end." He told me. "Promise? I asked. "Promise." He replied.

Flare came and hugged me to comfort me. I pushed her back and cried to the sky. "Lucas!" I laid me head on his body and cried. Tears stained my face and all I could think about was the pain. Not the physical pain, hut the mental pain and the pain in my heart of his loss.

The light blue aura mist continued to float around the area. "I-i l-love you l-lu-lucas." I sobbed. The aura mist came toward us and without much of my noticing went into lucas. "F-find happiness w-where you a-are." I continued to sob and kissed him.

All the aura went to lucas and became a blinding light. It blasted away from him across the land, coming across every pokemon there. It healed their injuries, but I didn't pay attention as the tears fell down my cheeks after kissing lucas.

"You promised to stay with me no matter what, but this was something you couldn't help." I said, barely able to talk. I hadn't noticed the wound on lucas side healed. "Your right I dis make that promise." A voice said and I heard gasp from around me.

I wiped my eyes and they widened as I seen lucas open his eyes. "Lucas!" I screamed, hugging him tightly. "Aura air." He breathe. "Sorry." I said, letting him go and kissing him again. The other six came over as me and lucas got up. "But how?" Flare asked, after giving lucas a hug.

Arceus came over with the rest of the legendaries. "When you find your true power you can save his life."Arceus spoke the words I have been told several times before. "Aura life. That power is." Darkrai told me. "It can bring other back to life?" I asked, hearing that before. Both arceus and darkrai nodded to me.


As soon as we got back to the aura kingdom a ceremony was held for me. I had become queen, lucas had become my royal guard and head of our army. Peace is now in our kingdom sense nemesis is gone.

This is the story of us eight. We were all born with special abilities and had to face a dark evil. One lost his life, but because of a special power he got another chance to live. We are the eight aura, lucas, flare, blaze, rose, blade, kara, and night and we will protect the pokemon world no matter what. This is our destiny.

Tribute to aura and Lucas- angle of darkness

Tribute to kara and night- Hero

Tribute to flare- still here

Tribute to blaze- through it all

Tribute to rose- angles

Tribute to blade- never surrender

[A/N] This is the final chapter of this book. Everyone who read this I hope you liked. And if you didn't read and stumbled upon this chapter please read the other chapters. I am now going to tag people because of how happy I am of finishing this story.
Paperstarwarriors a really awesome person and friend and writer.
FormNinja014 just because I want to tag her cause she's awesome.
The rest that I tagged are good people as well.

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