Chapter 4: Wings of Darkness

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Aura pov
When I was told I was the destined ruler of the aura kingdom and all about my parents I was shocked. I wanted to get away from all for that moment. I jumped through the trees then finally stopped in one. I thought to myself "why did this all happen. What caused the war my parents died in, and why take my memory from me?" Lucas then came and sat with me.

"I bet it's hard processing all of this." He said to me. "Just a month ago I though I was nobody now I learn I'm this powerful queen that supposed to save the whole pokemon world with seven others." I said to him. "You were never a nobody you were always something. Lucas told me putting his paw on mine. I noticed the gem on my necklace began to glow orange. "Whoa that's cool." Lucas told me.

"This gem is not only the aura gem but is built into my emotions." I explained. "Which emotion dose orange stand for?" He asked me. "It show I'm happy." I told him. "And the other colors what dose each one stand for?" He asked. "Red stands for anger, dark red stand for me being really angery, yellow means I'm scared, green means I'm curious, blue means I'm sad, purple stands for me having an idea, pink stands for I'm in love, white stand foe me being terrified, clear stands for me unconscious or asleep, and black means dead." I explained to him.

"Lucas, aura! Where are you guys?" We heard flare call. We both jumped down from the tree right in front of her. "What is it?" We both asked her at the same time. "It's time we set out on our mission to save the legendaries." She told us. We followed her to the others then we all set out. We walked for many hours then the sun began to set. We decided to rest for the might under a tree.

We all woke early in the morning to the sound if an explosion. "What was that?!" I asked alarmed. "Look at the sky and all around us." Blaze said. Everyone looked at the sky and around us. It was snowing and the grounds was covered in snow. It began to get colder by the minute. "It's the middle of spring how is it snowing?" Rose asked. "I d-don't k-k-know." I said shivering. Lucas came over and wrapped one of his arms around me.

"W-we sh-should see wh-what th-that e-explosion was all a-about." I said still shivering. A big bang was heard then a lightning bolt when across the sky. "Let's go." Blade said to us and started running through the snow. We followed him then soon came to an area that was once an ocean but now completely frozen.

We all looked to the sky and seen the three legendary bird pokemon. "Moltres, zapdos, and articuno. They must be the reason the weather's all messed up." I said. "Guys look out!" Blade said pushing us all down as a bolt of lightning flew over our heads. We all got up then seen the three birds above us. They began to charge up their powers. "Scatter." I said and everyone scattered of. Lucas and I ran one way and moltres flew after us.

We came to where the frozen ocean was and moltres continued to fly at us. "Run, get on the ice." Lucas told me and I did as he said. I ran on the ice did he we nearly slipped a couple of times but after a while gained balance. Moltres kept flying after us firing fire at us which began melting the ice. Soon we got far into the frozen ocean. "We have to fight moltres it's up to us to save these legendaries.

We turned around and fired our power at it. "Aura blast!" I yelled and a powerful blast of aura came. It was one of the powers I had that other Lucario didn't have. We continued to fight and it didn't do much. "We need water." Lucas said to me. I then remembered what faith told me. That I have every power. I knew what me and lucas had to do to get moltres back to normal.

Blades pov
Me, rose, night, and kara ran one way when aura told us to scatter. We were being chased by zapdos. The lightning bird chased us onto the frozen ocean. "Guys there's four of us we need to defeat zapdos to get him good again." Night told us. "I'll get in the sky, you guys on the ground." Rose ordered.

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