Before It Started

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Today, is  probably the most exciting day.
I meant, I woke with joy, confident, and everything I need.
Even Kurosaka suprised me the night before, he cook probably the most delicious meal. It's super spicy ramen, with bunch of sushi that make me instantly fat. With ice cream and cold cola as the side dishes.
He said, "You have to be at the best condition, so I do this."
You want to know my reaction? I hug him. Scream. And said, "Oh my God, Kurosaka, I love you."
He actually have strong father side so he was just pat my head and laughed.
I feel like I have a new father, lol. Since the biological one dumped me.

And when I am about to leave the house, Kurosaka suprised me again.
He never do this. I meant, he says "Fighting, Catherine-chan, I know you are the best,"
He is the "tsundere*" type. And this is so rare.
Well.. at least I know, he supports me. No matter how bad I am. Maybe I truly love Kurosaka, he is super cute and caring. He is 27 by the way, I don't mind.

No I'm joking.
But I do love him, he is like my brother. Best brother, ever.

Then I finally take my bike to the school, with joy.

It is okay till I see my f*cking own school.
There's a super crowd. Many people. I can't even see the main door.

What the hell is this. Are these people is also contestant?
How could I take the place if my competitor is as much as ant colony.

My confident dropped immediately.

Well, I finally get in to the school.
Search for Sayaka, and fortunately can find her in the crowds.

She is so excited, while my excitement goes to hell already.
"How are you Catherine-chan~~?"
I don't answer, instead dropped my own self to the floor.
She gets shocked. Of course.
"HEY ARE YOU OKAY?" She brutally shakes my body.
"Stop.... it... baka...," she stops. "I don't know if I can make it. I meant, see how much the contestant is.. I don't predict it, I probably just a stupid potato between them," say I with depression in my voice.
She goggle her eyes, force me to stand.

"BAKA CATHERINE," she shakes my body, brutally. "How much time do I need to tell you that you are amazing? Look at those idiots, I bet they know nothing about this, yet you are the queen!!"
Actually this don't affect so much. But at least I know someone says that I'm the queen.
Ridiculous, yes. But at least she belives I can do it, I should believe it too.

Well it cheers me enough to make me jump as I walk. Yes I walk like a kid that about to take her ice cream from her mother.

Both I and Sayaka are going to the hall, it is only one turn to the left before we reach it.
I jump as I walk, like I said, so do Sayaka. She is behind me.
Well I jump.

Jump into someone coffe, and spill it out all over my seifuku* and his.
Yes, he is a man. Tall.

"DAMN IT, WHAT THE HELL, IT IS HOT," I say loudly as I try to clean the coffe, useless actually.
"Baka," says another voice. "Can't you walk like a normal women? You are a high-school student," he sounds angry.

Who is this, his way to talk is so annoyi......
The word stopped in my mind as I lift my head.


Can you guess the man? 😂😂
Well, the ikemen finally shows up 😂😂😂😂

*tsundere = embarrassed by or don't know what to do with their romantic feelings and become even more belligerent and egotistical than normal—especially in proximity to the objects of their affections. Their constant inner struggle between their pride and love

*ikemen =  Men with good looks are called “ikemen.” This is a compound word made from “iketeru (= good looking)” and “men (= male)” as well as “men (= face).”*

*seifuku = japanese school uniform

When I Met You ● Yamazaki Kento (山崎 賢人) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now