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The media is the ikemen and his killer smile.
Don't fall for him guys 😂


"Go..gomenasai*, I.. I will walk properly, gomenasai," I bowed down.
"Forget it, I'm okay," he says as he walks back to the hall.

I grabbed Sayaka's hand immediately.
Taking a few steps backwards, and whisper her, "Do you see him?! Ikemen desuneee~*,"
Sayaka is shocked. Of course. I never compliment someone as an "ikemen" before. I am the typical who wouldn't care and so cold towards men.

"Hey are you okay? I think he hit your head so it get some damage," she stops. "BAKA ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS? OH FINALLY MY CATHERINE HAVE A LOVEY-DOVEY CRUSH~" She literally announce it to everybody.
Thanks God the tall ikemen left already.
"Shut up baka," I block her mouth, uselessly. "I just compliment him, it is nothing, don't take it serious, baka." I hit her head.
She laughs and joking on me for straight 10 minutes like, "Rine-rine chan have a crush with an ikemen~"

Then suddenly there's an announcement on the speaker.
"To the every contestant who join the audition, please gather in the hall as we gonna start the audition with some welcoming speech," there is a stop. "And also after the speech, every contestant need to re-register yourself to the available booth. You will get your number and your souvenir, thankyou in advance."

Me and Sayaka are in the hall already, so we take the front seat for a better view. We take the second row and the most center seat. And sit there.
It is been 5 minute, we talk alot, sometimes about the ikemen.
And Sayaka be like, connecting every single damn thing to the ikemen.

We talk about him. Without realizing. The ikemen sits next to me.

Damn is this a luck or a disaster.

"Uh.. hello," I said awkwardly towards him.
He doesn't realize I am here too. Fortunately. He shocked a little bit, I can tell from his eyes.
It means he doesn't hear what did we say. Thank God.
"Ah, hello.... who?" He asks my name. Awesome.
"Ah I'm sorry, I am Catherine Akiyama, and this is my friend, Sayaka Hiroko," I introduced my self, holding his hand.
"Akiyama..? Wow, you must be super rich," he says, still holds my hand.
I want to know your name bitch. Don't change the topic.
"Ah I'm not.." I laugh, awkwardly, but stay on his hand.
"You lied then," he says, still grabbing my hand.
Good. Hold my hand forever. Never let it go, you hot and tall ikemen.
"No, I'm not, it is a long story actually," I smiled, I don't like this topic actually. "And your name?"
He shocked. And blushed. I know it.
Yes bitch, you should blush because of me. I know I am beautiful as hell.
"I am sorry, I am Yamazaki, Yamazaki Kento," he let go my hand, sadly.
"Ah.. yoroshiku*, Yamazaki-san*," I smiled. This is a sincere smile.
"Hai, yoroshiku, Akiyama, and please just call me Yamazaki," he smile.
I nodded my head and smiled sincerely. Again.

HE IS SO DAMN CUTE. He have his vampire teeth smile oh my God.
Yamazaki. Yamazaki Kento. I will remember that name.

Just after I sinked on my own imagination of this Yamazaki-ikemen, someone speak at the stage.

Well my mind quickly changed. From the lovey-dovey ikemen to the excitement of the audition.

Well, I will take the place. I know I will.

How is it? 😂😂😂😂
Finally YamaKen shows himself up loll 😂

*gomenasai = I am sorry
*ikemen desune = he is such an ikemen
*yoroshiku = it is nice to meet you
*-san = is used to formally call someone, simmilar with Mr. / Mrs.

When I Met You ● Yamazaki Kento (山崎 賢人) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now