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"You sure you still want to be here, Yamazaki?"

"Should I tell you 100 times or what?" I still sitting there, Catherine's living room.

"It is 3AM, she probably at a party or something," he tells me.

"If there's a party, Sayaka will definately drag me there, even if Catherine doesn't invite me," I tell him with no hesitatement in my eyes.

"I'll try to call her again," he takes his phone, and calls Catherine. Then he sighed, "Where is she goddamnit".

It is frustating actually. But I want to be with her.

Where are you, sweetheart?

"Why don't you try to call her? Maybe she will pick it up," he says.

"Let's try," I take my phone and type Catherine's number.

After a few second waiting and almost giving up, Catherine answers the phone.

"Kento?" She says.

I make a gesture to Kurosaka that Catherine answered the phone, "Where are you?"

"I thought you wouldn't care anymore.." there is a sadness in hrr voice.

"I am at your house," I stated.


"I'm at your place, Catherine, it is your birthday!"

"I.. I know, why are you there?"

"You said you would love to be surprised by me once again," I say.

"Oh my God," she is shocked. "I.. I'm on my way there".

"Where are you Catherine?"

"I don't want to tell you," she says.

I sense something wrong in her voice, "Where are you?"

"No, you don't want to know, Kento," she sounds like she is begging.

"Tell me," I definately know she is hiding something, or did something wrong.

"I.. I was invited by Tzukaza," she stops. I don't want to hear no more, but she keep talking. "He said he couldn't celebrate it on 8th August, so he invited me to dinner at his house yesterday.. and.. and.. oh Kento, I'll stop here," she says.

"No, continue," I grip my phone so tight, my other hand forming a fist. I start to walking arround as I feel the anger in my head.

"Kento.. it was.. it was, he seduced me and.. and I.."

"You sleep with him," I continue her word, making Kurosaka's jaw dropped.

"I am sorry, Kento".

I couldn't take it anymore. It feels hurt, all over my body is aching. I am angry, I am broken.

I prepared the whole things, set it up for her. I bought her gifts, I bought her flowers. I was planning to apologize.

But see? Do you see what I get in return?

Hurt, aches, betrayed, played, broken.

Didn't she even think about me?

My anger is at it line.

"Fuck!" I scream, throwing my phone to the nearest wall.

Yes, I'm angry, but I'm broken as well, I fall on my knees, I can't bear the ache. My vision start to get blurry, I don't know what is happening. I don't care anymore. I can feel that my cheek is getting wet, I don't care if I'm crying, I'm not gonna hold it.

When I Met You ● Yamazaki Kento (山崎 賢人) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now