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So the speech end.
It is boring as hell.
I have to be honest. It is just like an usual welcoming speech that actually useless. But it is no longer boring because the ikemen is next to me.

Okay, it is too much.
But I get caught several times that I starred at him. Fortunately, he laughed instead of disgusted.
After all I'm not that "potato", at least.
He was be like, "Eh, nani*?" or "Nandayo*?" Then laugh, or "Is it something wrong with me?" Then laugh again. 

Well, when I am about to re-register, Sayaka gone like a ghost. I don't know what is she thinking. But I think she leave me alone to be awkward. With the ikemen.

But hell no. We won't be awkward, instead this is great. *evil laugh*

"Eh? Sayaka? Sayaka-chan?" I (pretend) search for her.
Ikemen, please say that you will accompany me. Come on.
"What's up? Where is your friend? Hiroko, right?"
Yes. You are good ikemen.
"Hmm, Hiroko," I nodded. "She is gone," still pretending that I am lost. In my own school.
"Ah well.. I will accompany you, is it okay? Till your friend comeback, do you mind, Akiyama?"
Yes that's what I'm talking about. Ikemen. Nice.
"Uhm.. is it okay? I don't mind actually," I smile.
This is the power of student from acting class of Tokyo Music and Art High School. Can you feel that I'm acting, ikemen? *evil laugh*
"No of course, we will re-register also, I don't mind to wait in line with a beautiful girl," he says, smiles, but this time, he is confident.

DID HE FLIRT?! No, no, no, stay logic Catherine Akiyama.

"Did you say I am beautiful?" I laughed. So I don't sound slutty. "Let's go then, before the line getting longer."
He smiles. "Yes, you go first," he waits for me.

I lead the way. Of course, this is my school.

We wait in line together. We talk a lot.
He is funny. And I like his laugh, his vampire teeth is cute.

We talked about, "where do you come from", "what is your best, act or model", "trick to act", "how to pose", "how to let your tears out", etc.

And yes. HE FLIRT.
He was be like, "Really? This sexy woman like you should slays it," or " No doubt, you are beautiful," with smirk, or "Well I am handsome too, maybe we will make a good pair of model,".

Or maybe he was joking, I don't know.
For now, I want to be focus on the audition first, not this ikemen.

And as long as we talk, I can instantly know, this man.. this man is good.
He is the enemy that I should watch for. I know he is my ikemen, one and only ikemen of mine, but this is about the audition.

Anyway, the audition will only take 10 person at the end. I bet, he will be the one of it.

Then it is the time for us to re-register.
I got number 88, while he gets 89.

Then we go to the coridor, and wait for the register time over, and wait the number.

I can feel that I am getting excited each second.
Ikemen number 89, you are my enemy.

What do you think about this chapter? 😂
Well, I will write the other side of the ikemen, it is 180° than this flirtateous one 😏😏😏😏😏

I hope you'll like it.

*nani = what
*nandayo = why

When I Met You ● Yamazaki Kento (山崎 賢人) [DISCONTINUED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora